Welcome To Mystic Falls⛲

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In the year 2009 Tatiana and Ilyas move back to Mystic Falls with their mother and Henrik

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In the year 2009 Tatiana and Ilyas move back to Mystic Falls with their mother and Henrik.... Henrik enrolls into the school as a Teachers Assistant and Tatiana and Ilyas go as students.... Zyanya enlists the help of an old friend of theirs who has also decided to go BACK to high school.... Stefan Salvatore or as the two of them refer to him as "Uncle Stefan" to help them out on their VERY first day..... Stefan hears a soft knock on his front door and walks over to answer it curious as to who would be "calling" at 6 o'clock in the morning on a Sunday ESPECIALLY since no one was SUPPOSED to know that he was back in town and he was surprised to see Zyanya, Tatiana and Ilyas standing at his front door once he had opened it smiling as usual "hi Uncle Stefan!"  Tatiana and Ilyas chorus as soon as the door opens and they see him staring at them in surprise "hey Stef.... I hope you don't mind....!"  Zyanya starts Stefan lets out a sort soft chuckle "no!.... not at all!.... come on in!"  he says taking a step back and waving the three of them in the three of them walk inside and automatically make themselves at home.... which is what he would tell them to do anyway.... "what are you doing here?!"  Stefan asks still trying to get over the surprise of the three of them even being there "well Tatiana and Ilyas have decided to try school out for the very first time and I heard that you had planned on enrolling yourself so I was kind of hoping that you might be kind enough to help them out.... at least on their first day.... Henrik will also be there but as a teachers assistant.... so he won't be able to do AS much as you will when they get there.... also you've done this before so you know what to expect and.... it would be nice for them to have a familiar face to help them adjust to the.... strangeness of it all.... mind you I have never done it myself!.... I mean I could have but well.... having a parent as a teacher in the same school is bad enough but to have her as a student in the same school.... is much worse! I would imagine.... not to mention that they will already have one relative there so....!"  Zyanya explains Stefan laughs "don't worry we have our own place so we won't be staying here.... though I do have a few things for you"  she continues opening up the backpack she had brought with her and bringing out all the paper work Stefan would need for school that she knew he wouldn't be able to get on his own "no I didn't COMPEL anyone for these!.... I actually don't have that ability.... it's one of the few I CAN'T "borrow" I did once then found out how much I hated it and never did it again so it kinda just.... disappeared.... and I was never able to do it again.... it helps to know all the right people in all the right places.... even if you may end up owing them a few favors in the end.... you might be surprised how many vampires work at a blood bank.... then again you might not.... it's a wonder that they are always in need of "more" huh?!"  she teases he chuckles as he takes the papers from her "also Tatia and Ilyas will have some V-8 bottles full of blood for you should you need them.... yes I know you're working the "animal diet" at the moment I also know how long the school days can be and.... I'd rather you be safe than....!"  she says he places his hand on her knee cap making her look into his eyes as he says softly "thank you!"  she smiles "I can also get you some blood bags for home if you ever are in need for them.... their father, their other uncles and aunt are vampires and I'm always pretty much prepared for just about anything.... or at least I try to be.... our family can be pretty unpredictable!"  he laughs "I'd be honored!"  he tells her and the three of them smile at him.... Zyanya, Tatiana and Ilyas spend the rest of the day with Stefan catching up on what they had missed in the many years that they had not seen one another then they head home.... Zyanya had made sure that every home they built stayed in her name throughout the many years that they had lived she also hired people to take care of the homes when they didn't live within them and make sure that they stayed "up with the times" so to speak....

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