Chapter 1: Heartbreaks

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18 Years Ago

Emily's P.O.V.

I'm sitting on the coach with both Jennifer and Jessica in my arms, fast asleep. I'm waiting for Aaron to come home from the office. I'm still on mertinity leave, becuase I was pregnant with the twins. I still don't understand why I can't go back to work, I mean the girls were already born three months ago. But I was still forced to go on mertinity leave, I only did it becuase I wanted to make sure the girls will be safe.

Aaron and I have been together for 2 years now. I really love him with all of my heart. He's always there for me and he always knows when somethings wrong or when somethings bothering me. He's so sweet and caring. I love the way he only smiles for me, he's smile is so rare.

I decided to go and put the twins to bed, since their starting to make my arms numb. Gosh, for babys they are quite heavy, but I still love them. I walk up the stairs and into their room. After putting both of them in their cribs and kissing them good night on the forehead, I walked out of their room closing the door behind me.

I walk to Jack's room and open the door slowly, to see him fast asleep in his bed. Jack is 12 years old now. I love Jack like his my own son. I really feel bad for him. It's not fair that he had to loose his mother at such a young age. But even after all the pain and sadness that child as felt, he still walks around with a smile on his face.

I quietly close his door and make my way downstairs. Just as I made it down stairs, the doorbell rang. Who the hell would be here at this time? It can't be Aaron, he obviously has a key and the team knows where we keep the spare key. (If your wondering where, under the door matt. Just if you were wondering)

I walk up to the front door and opened it, to reveal.....Beth?? What the hell is she doing here, at this time?? Isn't she suppose to be in a other country or even just maybe another planet, but here?? "Em, how are you darling?" Beth says so fake as she pulls me into a hug and I just stand there confused with my arms next to my sides. "Beth, what are you doing here?" I ask her with a fake smile. I really hate this Bitch. "Oh-haven't you heard?" She says pushing past me and walks into the house. "Why don't you just come in, with out me telling you 'Beth why don't you come in, darling' " I mumble to myself as she walks into the living room. (Note my Sarcasm)

I make my way to the living room and sit down on the coach, I was sitting on earlier. "Heard what?" I ask trying my best not to come off rude, but as you know Satan has other plans for my mouth tonight. "Hotch, didn't tell you?" Beth asks with a suprise look on her face, but the best thing she's doing right now is pushing my buttons. "No, tell me what, Beth?!" I say a bit louder not wanting to wake up Jack becuase he has soccer practise tommorow also not to wake the twins up, I really don't wanna sit till 3 O'clock in the morning trying to get them to sleep.

"That I'm pregnant with Hotch's child, of course" Beth says smiling slightly. "Your lying" I say not wanting to believe that there is a chance that she's pregnant with Hotch's child. She can't just suddenly be pregnant with his child after 5 years, she's definitely lying. "If you don't believe me here's the pregnancy papers, that proves that I'm pregnant with his child" She says handing me a piece of paper. I look at the paper and start to read it.

As I read the last word, that read 'Positive' I felt my heart break into pieces. I swallow the lump in my throat and try my best to hold the tears back. I give her the piece of paper back and take a deep breathe, before looking at her. "Beth, you and Hotch broke up 5 years ago. There is no way in hell that you can suddenly be pregnant. Your probably pregnant with one of your one-stand's baby" I say looking her dead in the eye. She starts to lean forward, not breaking eye contact with me. "Hotch and I have been sleeping behind your back for the last month, dear Emily. I even have text messages that prove that we still are. He even texted me just before I got here" She says pulling out her phone and handing it to me. Where I read the message.

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