Chapter 14: Threats

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Hotch's P.O.V.

"Jack!!" I look up from the newspaper I'm reading, to see Jessica jumping into Jack's arms as he chuckles hugging her back. "Hi Jess" Jack says before he lets go of her. "What are doing here, I thought he were in Miami to plan your wedding?" Jessica says brushing her hair backwards with her hand, since she hates it when her hair bothers her. "Well, Tasha and I decided to have the wedding here, where we both grew up. So we got a early flight Yesterday and arrived at around 3 am this morning" Jack says with a smile on his face. That's what I love about Jack and Jessica, they barely fight and when you do you better know that it's serious. But their actually more close than other brothers and sisters. Even if their only half-siblings. Sometimes I wonder how our family would've been, if Emily didn't leave with Jennifer. I still blame myself deep down that Emily left 18 years ago with Jennifer. Even if I don't know the reason as to why she left, I still blame myself.

"Where's Tasha!?" Jessica almost yells in excitement. Jessica and Tasha are pretty close. I'm very proud that Jack found the love of his life and didn't end up like me, where I might have just lost my love of my life. But one things for sure, I'll never give up on our love and I will fight for Emily's heart again no matter how long it takes. "She went upstairs again after she made breakfast, but don't take to long. I still have to take you two to school!!" Jack yells since Jessica already started running up the stairs when he told her where Tasha is. "Hey cuz" Caleb says as he stands up from the stool and walks over to Jack. "Hey Caleb" Jack says as they do this type of bro-hug thing. "How've been these last couples of months?" Jack asks as they stop their bro-hug. "I've been a way" Caleb says with a unsure tone of voice. "What do you mean?" Jack asks confused. I'm also a bit confused because usually Caleb's all happy and active.

"He means it's because there's a new girl at school and I told her that she can hang out with us untill she makes her own type of friends. Because I could see that we're not her type of social-group. So now he has a problem with it with the rest of the guys." Jessica says just as she entered the kitchen again. "What about Jaydene and Natasha?" Jack asks as I just sit there and listen to their little conversation. "Jaydene doesn't have that big of a problem with her and Natasha well she wasn't there when I introduced Jennifer to the group. But she saw her at the party and well I don't know what she thinks about Jennifer, but we all know how Natasha can be sometimes" Jessica says shrugging. "Wait- the new girl's name's Jennifer?" Jack asks shocked in a way. Oh. No. "Yeah, you should really listen, dude" Caleb says rolling his eyes at Jack.

"Why do you sound so shock?" Jessica asks curious and confused. "Oh, it's just that the name sounded familiar" Jack says scratching the back of his neck. "Of who did it remind you?" Jessica asks as she and Caleb starts interogating Jack with all of the questions. "Okay, you two. I think that's enough questions for one day. Get your bags and go wait in the car. I need to talk to Jack quickly" I say making Caleb and Jessica groan at in annoyance. As they walk out the door. Jack turns to me with a pissed off look on his face and a shocked look at the same time. "Dad, please tell me the Jennifer their talking about. Isn't the Jennifer who I think it is" Jack says sounding pissed off right now. "Unfortunately, their talking about the same Jennifer, you're thinking about" I say sighing slightly. "Which means that she's back?" Jack asks now getting more pissed off at the moment but also souding a bit excited. "Yes, Emily's back with Jennifer" I say since I already know the reaction I'm gonna get out of Jack right now. 

"Why the hell didn't you tell me, Dad!?  You didn't even tell me that Emily's fucking back with my other sister!" He suddenly yells out before he started pacing up and down while rubbing his temple with his index finger and thumb. "Jack-" I started but got interrupted by him when he started to yell. "But you know the worst thing out of this whole situation, is that I have to see her at work everyday. Where I have to respect her and show her how much I care about her. When I fucking threw my respect down the drain when she left again and just suddenly thinks she can return after 18 fucking years. When she didn't even give me a reason and she didn't even give you a fucking reason as to why she left us with Jessica. Leaving you to look after Jessica alone, where she thinks she has the right to take my other sister with her to God knows where!!!" Jack yells now being pissed off then ever. But I could hear the pain and hurt in his voice.

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