Chapter 6: Sprained Ankles

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Jessica's P.O.V.

As we were dancing, the music just suddenly stops and I turn around to see what happened. As I turn around I see Jaydene lying on the floor, holding her ankle. "What the fuck!?" I hear Caleb yell at Caitlin, one of Melissa's minions. "What did I do!?" She yells in a high pitch voice. "You pushed Jaydene!!" Caleb yells helping Jaydene up from the dance floor. "Oh- come on Caleb, you're really gonna help HER. When you could have fun with me" Caitlin says flirting with Caleb. "Yes, I would rather help her than go or do anything with a bitch like you" Caleb says helping Jaydene into the house, since she can't walk at the moment.

"What's your problem?" Keagen says to Caitlin as he puts his arm over Natasha's arm. I forgot to mention, Natasha and Keagen are dating. Natasha's also part of our little gang, she's the very very friendly person of the group. But when she starts swearing, you just have to know that you should at least stay 10 feet away from her or that she's really pissed off. Keagen and Natasha's actually a really great couple. Most of the guys have girlfriends. But Natasha's the only girl in the gang that hangs out with us, that's one of the guys' girlfriend. Natasha's sister is engaged with my brother, Tasha and Jack have been together since sophomore year. That just shows you that true love still excites in this world.

 That just shows you that true love still excites in this world

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Natasha Greenway

Natasha Greenway

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Caleb Hotchner

Caleb Hotchner

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Paul Jacobs

"Your little gang is what's my problem" Caitlin says cheekily. "So you go and push people around, like their a piece of shit!!" I yell at Caitlin, I'm so sick and tired of her and the rest of her little friends. "Well, she is a piece of shit. I mean her parents are locked up for life, so that makes her even worse. Since her parents are murderers!!" Caitlin says raising her voice, for everyone to hear. "You don't know shit, about Jaydene. So I would rather keep my mouth shut if I was you. Or I'll make you shutup!!" I yell getting angrier. I mean people can't just speak about Jaydene's life, like that when they don't know what she even went through.

"Whatever, I mean who knows she might even kill us herself. If we don't watch out" Caitlin says making me more angry. "Your gonna have to watch your back, with me!!" I yell taking a step forward. "I'm not afraid of you or your stupid little gang. But at least I have better friends" She says cheekily. "At least my friends aren't sluts and perverts like yours. And at least they don't sleep with every guy they see walking around" I say raising my voice a bit louder. "At least I'm not best friends with a murderer, that went to Juwie for killing a person in cold blood" Caitlin says making me reach my limit. "YOU KNOW WHAT, CAITLIN. YOU MIGHT KNOW JAYDENE'S NAME BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW HER LIFE STORY." I yell as I take steps closer to her. "Whatever, all I know is that she's a murderer" Caitlin says and that's when I launched at her but I couldn't get to her. Because next moment I got thrown over someone's shoulder and they carried me inside.

I get putten down on the couch and I look up to see Marco standing infront of me. "Why did you do that, you know I could've handled her myself" I say cheekily. "One, I don't think you should be here fighting with her, when Jaydene's ankle might be broken or sprained. Two, I don't think you want to be sued for animal abuse. Three, Caitlin's parents can get you kicked off of the Hockey team, Soccer team and all the other sport teams your in" He says as he goes and sits down next to me.

"Hey, you okay?" Jennifer asks as she goes and sits down on the coach, accross from me. "Yeah, thanks" I say with a smile and she just returns the gesture. "So where's Jaydene?" Jennifer asks looking around the room, for Jaydene but Jaydene's nowhere to be found. "Oh- Caleb said he's taking her to the hospital because that's the only place, where we'd find a doctor at this time of night" Paul says standing behind the coach. "Great, let's go!!" Kevin yells as he just suddenly appears out of nowhere. They should really tell me their secret, because Damn their good.

"I'll drive" Keagen says walking to the front door with Natasha under his one arm and his one hand in his pocket. "Okay, then I guess we're going then." Paul says shrugging before walking to the front door. "You coming or staying, Jennifer?" Marco asks standing up from the coach. "Are you crazy, I'm not staying here with these immature teenagers." Jennifer says walking past us and makes her way outside to the car.

We all get in Keagen's 4×4 truck and made our way to the hospital. "Do you even know which hospital to go to"  Jennifer asks almost shouting because of the wind that's coming through the window. "Yeah, Caleb send me the hospital's name. So don't stress" Keagen says also shouting over the wind coming through the window. "With you, we never know" Marco says earning a glare from Keagen through the rear view mirror.


We walk into the hospital and walk up to the front desk. "Good evening Miss. Can you please tell me if a teenage girl came in here with a guy, she had a sprained ankle?" Natasha asks with a kind voice and smile. "Brunette hair, swears a lot when she's in pain?" The Woman behind the desk asks. "Yeah, that sounds just like her" I say. "If you go down the hall, turn right the door on your left" She says pointing down the hall. "Okay, thanks" Brandon says before walking down the hall and we all just follow him. Since he has a better memory then all of us. Well, I think Jennifer also has a good memory, but doesn't show it to people.

We walk into the room and see Jaydene's ankle getting wrapped in a bandage by the Doctor. While Caleb just sits there busy on his phone. "Okay, your ankle should be fine in about 4 to 5 weeks." The Doctor says before walking out of the room. "Hey, how's your ankle?" I ask feeling bad that she can't play hockey now. "Fucking sore" She says as she grabs the crutches and puts each of them under her arm and walks out of the room. "Let's just get you home. You're gonna need sleep" I say walking next to her as we make our way to the car.

We get in the car and Paul drops us off first, since Jaydene's not in a very good mood at the moment. We walk into the house and Jaydene goes straight to my room and slams the door. I close the front door and just as I close it Beth comes walking out of the kitchen. "What the hell was that?" She says cheekily. "None of your business. Go back to doing nothing, Beth" I say waving her off as Jennifer and I go and sit down in the TV room on one of the coaches.

We just sit their in silence when Jennifer finally breaks the awkward silence. "Jessica, can I ask you something?" She asks looking at me with a kind of sad face. "Yeah, sure" I say shrugging. "What did Caitlin mean when she said all those things about Jaydene" She asks in a soft and kind voice. I never actually tell anybody these type of stuff, but for some reason I feel like I can trust Jennifer....

Hope you enjoyed

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