Chapter 15: Dreams

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Emily's P.O.V.

I'm sitting at my desk, when I just suddenly hear Hotch calling my name and telling me to come to his office. I just groan in annoyance, earning a chuckel from Morgan, Luke and Matt. I just pull a face at them before straightening my clothes and making my way towards his office.

(I brought Morgan back in my book and Elle, only for some chapters. But she's most of the time there.)

I walk into his office and he just waves at me to close the door. As I close the door I just hear him almost mumble "Sit down". I just go and sit down in one of the chairs accross from his desk. I just sit there in confusion. Because Hotch looks a bit angry and upset. "You wanted to see me?" I ask breaking the awkward silence. Every time I'm close to him, I just feel guilt inside of me. I mean I guess I just feel bad that I left 18 years ago, without even giving him one reason. But I also had my reasons as to way I left, I can't understand why I should feel so guilty about leaving 18 years ago.

"Yes" Hotch says looking up from the file that's lying down on the desk infront of him. "I just spoke to the Section Chief and she came to give me some 'rules' we have to follow. Okay, well to her it seems like rules" Hotch says sighing. "Okay" I say making it sound more like a question, but I mean I'm comfused a bit. "She gave us a week to find the Reynolds(Jaydene's parents surnames). If we don't have them in custody in a week, she'll pass the case on to the CIA. Her other warning was that if we don't catch them, she'll take away Luke's badge and will send Jaydene back to a Juvenile prison, for everything that Jaydene has on her record" Hotch says getting more tense but I can also see that it bothers him, that he might loose one of his Agents on the team. "She can't do that!" I yell jumping up from my chair. "She can and she will. She's high enough to do that" Hotch says sighing as he looks at me. "But she doesn't have a good reason as to way Luke's badge can be taken away" I say pointing my hand towards his closed office door. "She'll think of something, because believe me that woman always gets what she wants" He says standing up from his desk and walks over to me. "You can not tell anyone about this, not even Rossi" He says looking down at me, since I am shorter than him. "Why did you tell me then, if you don't want anyone to find out?" I say cheekily with my eyebrow raised.

"Because I need you to go and talk to Elle" He says with no emotions. "Isn't Elle the Agent that left before I came?" I ask comfused, I heard the stories about her shooting someone in cold blood, but I mean you can't really blame her. "Yes, she's the only Agent except Alvez that knows more about the Reynolds." He says still looking at me, emotionless. "Why can't you ask Luke?" I ask confused. "Because he's going to take it personal." Hotch says looking out his office window at Alvez. "Why ME out of all the people you could've asked?" I say throwing my hands up in frustration. "Because everyone on this team, knows Jaydene very well and you don't know Jaydene. You don't even know how she looks. So you'll be perfect to go and talk to Elle" Hotch says shrugging slightly. "Your a JERK you know that" I shout opening his office door and storming out, as I slam it shut. He can't just expect me to go and to someone I don't even know. Who says she's even going to give me the information, that I need of the Reynolfds.

But I guess if it means that it'll calm Luke down, then I guess I can go to Garcia and see if she knows where Elle lives. I walk over to Penelope's Bat-cave, to see if she knows where Elle lives, right now. I walk into Penelope's Bat-cave, to see her typing away on one of her keyboards. "Hey, Garcia. Can you do me a favor?" I ask walking into her Bat-cave, a little bit further. To see her trying to get a location on two people. "Sure, Sweety pie. What ya need?" Garcia says using one of her nicknames, as she turns around to face me in her chair. "I just quickly need the address of Elle Greenaway. I need to talk to her" I say looking at Garcia. "You got it, Em" She says turning around and started typinh on one of her keyboards. "Okay, she lives at 369 Waterfalls" She says looking at me. "Okay, thanks Penelope" I say smiling at her as I make my way out of her bat-cave, closing the door behind me. As I hear her typing away on her keyboard again.

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