Chapter 19: Spliting up

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I guys, I just want to warn you, that this whole chapter's on Jennifer's P.O.V. since I typed this chapter a bit long. But I hope you enjoy❤😄

Jennifer's P.O.V.

I sit in the study with Alex, looking at all the books she has on the shelves. I came here to talk to Alex about the whole thing about having a twin sister. How can parents even live with that secret in their lifes?

"Hi, sweetie. I'm so sorry you had to find out that way today" Alex says and hugs me. "It's fine" I say softly as I hug back and we both sit down again. "How you holding up?" Alex asks looking at me. "I guess, I could've been better" I say shrugging. "I mean I just found out who my father is and that he isn't dead and that I have a twin sister" I say and Alex sighs nodding.

"So you're not happy that your father's still alive?" Alex asks. "No, I am. But just not right now" I say looking down at my lap before looking at her again. "And how do you feel, about Jessica being your twin sister?"Alex asks.

"I'm actually glad she's my sister, but don't think she really wants to talk about this right now, especially to me" I say shrugging. "Give her some time" Alex says smiling slightly and I nod signing.

"Have you spoken to your parents yet?" Alex asks looking at me. "No and I don't plan on speaking to them soon" I say shaking my head. "That's understandable" Alex says nodding. "So I heard about Tyler" Alex says smirking. "What" I yell out widening my eyes. "How?" I say softly and a smile just forms on my face. "Sweetie? Do you really think I wouldn't hear about this?" Alex says smiling with her eyebrow raised. "I knew you'll find out, but I didn't think it'll be that soon" I say blushing slightly.

Damn it.......

"You really like him, don't you?" Alex says smiling as she looks at me. "Yeah" I say smiling looking down at my lap, as the memory of Tyler and I kissing comes to mind. "I'm glad, you deserve happiness, sweetheart" Alex says smiling. "That's one thing you and your sister don't have in common" Alex says sighing and I give her a confused look.

"That I deserve happiness and she doesn't?" I say confused. "No, of course your sister deserves happiness" Alex says smiling and I nod smiling. "I mean like...." Alex says and keeps quiet as she tries to think. "For example.....You will show your in love and you'll actually allow someone to love you back" Alex says smiling and I just see her looking at me proudly. "You want happiness and you're not afraid to find for it, and that is what makes you such a kind, caring person, that everyone wants to be around all the time" Alex says smiling and it just brings a smile to my face.

"Thanks Alex" I say smiling and she nods smiling. "Your sister on the other hand....." Alex says sighing. "She's someone who makes sure everyone has love in their lives" Alex says and nod, since I've realised that about Jessica. "But she's to scared to admit that she's in love, with someone that actually loves her" Alex says smiling.

"But I thought she's in love with Marco?" I say confused and Alex laughs softly. "She is" Alex says smiling. "But....." I say but get interupted when Alex's phone rings. "Sorry, Sweetie" Alex says as she answers her phone.

"Hello?" Alex says holding the phone to her ear. "Jordan calm down" Alex says and I just see a worried expression on her face. "I'll be right there" Alex says ending the call and she stands up grabbing her car keys. "Is everything okay?" I ask standing up as I look at Alex worried.

"It's Jessica" Alex says softly as she looks at me and we walk out of the study to the car. As we get into the car, I look at Alex confused. "Is she Okay?" I ask confused as Alex pulls out of the driveway and speeds away. "She got into a accident" Alex says and I already know she went street racing.

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