Chapter 12: Escaped Criminals

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Hotch's P.O.V.

I just stare in shock at Jordan. "Are you sure?" I ask still shocked with the fact that Alex might be is mother. But it's impossible, Alex told us that her son died when he was 9 years old. "Yeah, I'm sure Hotch. I checked my file at the Orphanage, I even did a DNA test with my self and it showed that my mother was Alex Blake." Jordan says sounding just as shocked as me at the moment. "Did you tell her yet?" I ask wondering if Alex even knows that her son had been life, all these years without her even knowing it. "No, are you crazy, Dude. She's gonna hate me for this shit" Jordan says looking at me as if I'm crazy before he starts rubbing is temple, in a stressful manner. "She won't Jordan, I can promise you that she's going to so glad to know that you've been a life all these years" I say knowing for a fact that she's going to be happy, to know that her son's a life and not in a coffin six feet under the ground.

"Are you sure, she's not gonna be mad at me?" Jordan asks unsure. "Yeah, I only know that her ex-husband isn't gonna live any longer when she finds out" I say almost smiling at the idea of Alex shooting her Ex-husband. I mean James was a lying bastard and he was a alcoholic. I'm so glad that Alex and Rossi found each other and are a happy as they can ever be. "Fine" Jordan says almost with full confidence in his tone of voice. "Great, then why don't you tell her when you get off work today?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "I'll try but I can't promise you anything right now" Jordan says giving me a warning look. "Okay, well if you'll excuse me have to get home, before my nephew kills my future wife" I say knowing that Caleb doesn't really like Beth and Caleb likes to prank people that he doesn't like. I don't really want to get home to a broken down house crumbled down into a million pieces. "Okay, just please make sure Jessica uses that cream for her Jaw, it'll make it heal faster" Jordan says talking with his hands, I just nod my head and we say our goodbyes before I make my way to the car.

Hopefully Jessica didn't decide to walk home, because she's done it before and it didn't end well last time. I get in the car and look over at Jessica to see her busy on her phone. "Who you texting?" I ask as I start the car. "The gang" She says as she locks her phone after sending a text on the group that her and her friends created. We just sat in silence untill she turned on the radio. She just started singing along, that's what I like about Jessica. She's exactly like Emily, she doesn't care what people say about her and she's probably the funniest, kindest, craziest and toughest person, I have met that's exactly like Emily in all kinds of ways. But Jessica doesn't show when she's in pain and she doesn't easily cry infront of people. That's another Emily attitude she got from Emily. While I drive home I listen in amusement as Jessica sings to the song on the radio.

"All her life she has seen
All the meanest side me
They took away the prophet's dream
For a profit on the street

Now she's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow

All his life he's been told
He'll be nothing when he's older
All the kicks and all the blows
He won't ever let it show

'Cause he's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been struggling to make things right
That's how a superhero learns to fly
(Every day, every hour, turn that pain into power)

Oh-oh, oh, oh
Oh-oh, oh, oh

All the hurt, all the lies
All the tears that they cry
When the moment is just right
You'll see fire in their eyes
'Cause he's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow"

Jessica just finishes that verse of the song when I stop the car in the driveway and the radio automatically switches off with the car. We get out of the car and make our way inside the house. As we walk in and I close the front door behind me, I walk into the living room to see Caleb watching a movie, while lying down on the coach like a starfish out of water. "Hey, Cuz!!" Jessica almost yells as she jumps on the coach from behind the coach, landing precisely on Caleb's stomach. "Holy shit, Jess. What the fuck do you eat?" Caleb says groaning in pain. "Food" Jessica says shrugging. "I know that, but how much because fuck you weigh a fucking ton" Caleb says almost out of breathe since he's trying to sit up, but he's failing in so many bad ways the poor kid. "I should he asking you that same question, you eat way more than me. So I wouldn't open my mouth if I was you Caleb Hotchner" Jessica says pointing her index finger at him, but yet she's still sitting on his stomach.

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