Chapter 9: Little brothers

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Jennifer's P.O.V.

After hearing the loud noise against the lockers, we all make our way out of the office and into the hallway. Just to see Marco holding Calvin by the collar against the lockers. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Dude!!" Calvin yells at Marco who's still holding him by his collar against the lockers. "Is it true!!" Marco yells making Calvin flinch a bit, in fear I guess. "What are you talking about, Man!?" Calvin asks his voice a little shaky. "That you FUCKING hit, Jessica!?" Marco yells hitting the locker just beside Calvin's head. "I'll tell you if it is or isn't. If you just let me go" Calvin says as Marco let's go of his collar and takes a few steps back. "And yeah, I did hit her and I don't regret it" Calvin says with full confidence in his tone of voice. "You FUCKING BASTARD!!" Marco yells as he tackles Calvin, making them both slide accross the floor like it's a slip and slide. "Aren't you gonna do something?" My Mom asks as she taps the Principal on his shoulder, then points towards Marco that's fighting with Calvin.

"I can't just take Marco into my office, are you crazy, woman?!" The principal says looking my mother up and down as if she's a psycho path. "Easy, just call his father" My Mom says shrugging as if it's the most easiest thing on earth. "Uh- Emily, do you know who Marco's Dad is?" Hotch my Mom's boss asks confused. "What's Marco's surname?" My Mom asks confused a little bit. "Rodriguez...Marco Rodriguez" The Principal says with a little fear in his tone of voice, when he said 'Rodriguez'. "Is his father Julio Rodriguez?" My Mom asks. "Yeah" Hotch says nodding his head as he looked over at Marco and Calvin fighting. But luckily they got stopped by our Math teacher. Even if they punched the teacher a few times, before they stopped their little (Actually massive) fight.

"Oh,I know his father. Julio and I are great friends actually. He usually helps me with cases and stuff. He's like my brother, but I haven't seen him in like 18 years" My Mom says as she looks at Marco and Calvin, as they make their way to the Principal's Office. "Well...if you'll excuse me. Looks like I have ANOTHER fight to sort out." The Principal says before walking to his office while mumbling some words under his breath. "Where's Jessica?" Hotch asks as he looks around the hall, just to see that she's not there anymore. "She came out to the hallway with us" I say shrugging as I look around the hallway. "Hotch, she's old enough to look after her self. So don't worry" My Mom says reassuring Hotch that Jessica will be fine. I mean I haven't known her very long, but I know for a fact she's still on school grounds.

"Jennifer and I'll help you find her. She's probably still in the school" Mom says putting her hand on his shoulder, calming him down. "Who said I want to help?" I say cheekily to my mother. I'm only this cheeky because my face is burning in pain, right now. "Jennifer Prentiss, don't push your luck with me. I already have to take you to the doctor, because of your fucking face. So DO NOT test my patience young lady" Mom says sternly pointing her index finger towards me. "Fine, I'll help. Even if I don't want to" I say mumbling the last part as I walk into the Gym. Just to find Caleb and Paul playing Basketball against each other. I don't even wanna know if their skipping class or not. But I'm guessing they are.

I walk into the locker rooms, just to see a bunch of cheerleaders gossiping about something....God knows what. If I was Jessica Hotchner and just got beaten up by a guy, where would I go?

GOT IT!!!!

I make my way to the Hockey field, to see that I was right. Because first thing you see is Jessica hitting the crap out of that Hockey Ball. I think the goal's gonna have a few dents in it, with the way she's hitting that ball. I walk closer to the field, but very slowly and cautiously. You never know when she might strike, like a angry bull that just suddenly saw a red cloth infront of it. But I don't think she'll attack me like that, but more like she'll hit the ball so hard that it's gonna come flying in the air, then hit me right on the mouth. Making me toothless for the rest of my life. I don't really think anyone wants to be toothless in the future, unless your dream is to become "Toothless" from "How to train your dragon". But unfortunately you can't shoot blue flames out of your mouth or was it pink flames. Either way all I'm saying is, that you should probably be very cautious when you go near Jessica when she's mad. And busy hitting the Shit out of the poor Hockey Ball.

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