~©©chapter ONE ®®~

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Your POV

"Come on now ewwow!"


"Lets play with (Y/N)!"

"I-i d-dont w-want to!"

"You need to! You always stole theiw chowolate!"

"*sigh* fi-ine"


~beep beep beep~

I woke up at the sound of alarm clock.
I smashed it like it was nothing.

Then i got up from bed and get my glasses "sis we're gonna late for our new school!!"

"Alright, alright bro" *sigh* i got up and go to the bathroom to take a shower and wore our school uniform (im lazy to describe it and put a picture so find a good black uniform)

The skirt is short so i groan at annoyance. I came down stairs and saw my lil' bro with already cooked breakfast.

"That smelled good bro"

"I already know that sis so stop being irresponsible and eat before we got late to our first day on underhigh!"

"Ok, ok jeez" after we ate we head out to our house <<mansion>> and go to our car (just do it like you did in uniform at least you pick it on your own :3 laziness!)

I drove and my bro is at the back.

We reach the school and theres a skeleton. I was eating an apple.

"HELLO-" Before it could shout more i put the bitten apple at his mouth.

"Sis! That wasn't very nice!"
"Sorry bro"
Then the skeleton takes the apple away from his mouth

"Im sorry im too loud arent I?
Im Pallet by the way"

"No worries, im (Y/N) and this is jimmy my lil' bro"

"We already got our schedule our first is astronology where is it?" I said titling my head to side.

"O-oh its right over here f-follow me!" He said walking away stuttering and blushing  we followed him.

My bro and i have the exact same schedule so i dont have to worry about following him around.

Need to protect this cinnamon roll.

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