chap; twenty eight

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Your POV

I was trying to get along with the cool side of my lil' cinnamon roll he is now a jock... He used to be a nerd but...


I need chill pill...

Its been three days since the incident pj dont bully him anymore cause his a jock every teacher was shock except for error and ink.

They were shock because of the school is already build in two days.

I mean who does that shit? (Me)

Any way its lunch time and im wearing glasses.

I was sitting with the nerds: fresh,cil,alphys,napstablook,
Papyrus and dust.

While jimmy is sitting with the jocks: undyne,pj, skater girl,BP (burger pants).

I was eating my sand which (is that how you spell it?)

Fresh and dust was beside me while cil was in front of me.

My next was PE and so as cil and dust.

The bell rang i go to gym and changed my clothes.

"ALRIGHT MAGGOTS! WERE PLAYING DODGE BALL!" Error yelled through the gym.

I smiled thinking i should fight jimmy to loose his energy.

"JOCKS VS NERDS! TEAM UP EACH SIDES!" error said/yell and they positioned and so am i and every body else.

As error blow the whistle.

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