~©©chapter seven®®~

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Your POV

...error... No way... Bet my life were gonna do 20 or 40 laps... Its not that i cant its that im lazy to.

But bet he dont remember me... (NOT DOING GLITCH SHIT'S GLITCHY VOICE-name glitch shit bought to you by TheoEvelyn 😀 please update your wild flower)

"Maggots! We have new student!!! Come in front and introduce your self!!" He yelled making the other students shiver except me.

I came in front and introduce my self but before i could glitchy shouted at me.

"Maggot why arent you wearing PE uniform-" i cut him off by flicking his skull/fore head.

He stares at me with shock even the students are shock of my action "(y/n)?!?" He yelled taking a step backward and i just closed eyes smiled at him.

He just shook his head probably shooking off his thoughts.

He just sigh and said to the class. "Wait here you maggots!" Then we walk toward some where we could talk.

"I hate these and you know that" i said snapping my finger then the underwear uniform then putting it in his face.

He growled "fine you can wear the boy's uniform" he said rolling his eye pupils... I think thats what they called at least.

I just cheered and snap my fingers teleporting to the bath room and snap again then whaaaalaa magic in in boys uniform.


I sense some intense aura coming towards the door...

I put my three finger in front of glitchy... I put down 1...2...and 3

Then some one bust into the door every one was looking at him.

It was-


Cliffhanger yay i successfully made one!!!! Yey

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