~©©chapter fourteen®®~

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(Lots of povs)
Your POV

I woke up around 4:30 am jimmy is still asleep and me?

I just realized that i slept on the chair. The school starts around 6:30 am so i decide to cook our favorite food (f/f)!

Its been long since last time i cooked something...

I ready and ingredients and start chopping the ingredients with amazing speed.

--time skip---

I cooked the (f/f) with amazing aroma it smelled delicious if i say so myself!

Jimmy's POV

I smelled the (f/f) i always love and went down stairs only meeting the one and only
(y/n). I almost forgot how a good chef she is she could even be the best chef in the world!!

"Wow (y/n) that smelled good!" I said she just giggle and nods.

---time skip cause why not?---

We were at school our first is arts...

~Your POV

Jimmy was talking to his new friends so i got to go to the art class first.

I opened the door and meeted by "hey inky" i said...

He just nodded pretending to be reading a book... Hmm? How did i know? Simple...

The book is upside down...da fuq.

I sighed and walk in front of him and bowed "im sorry Mr. Ink." I said politely.

~ink's POV

Its really surprising that (y/n) apologized i must be dreaming.

Goddess of magic apologized to a mare monster?!? I must be dead.

I put down the book and just nodded and give an un-sure smile.

She playfully punched my chest and laugh. "No need to be such formal inky! Im still your best friend!" She said reassuringly.

Then good memories popped out of my head making me laugh with her then the bell rang. And she goes to the middle sit.

Your POV

I was sitting in the middle then jimmy was coming in pulling some one or two over.

When he came in he have this weird skeletons with him.

The other one has over sized glasses with blue jacket and gray hoodie.

The other one has a cap and mask who looks really mean.

"Hey (y/n)! This is my friends!"
He said. "This is dust" he said pointing at the over sized glasses skeleton his a cutie with those glasses. "And this is horror!" He said pointing at the looking crazy skeleton.

I just smiled at dust and glare at horror just cause he looks mean. He take a step back from the glare and went to their sit.

Jimmy was beside me on right and dust was in left. And horror was at the back of jimmy.

Inky started the class.

---time skip cause i can---

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