chap 32

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Ooooooook guys i need. To end this book buuuuuttttt i'll write book 2 or a sequel now lets get to the story!!


No one's POV

You dont know what to do about this mess you just snap your fingers and butterflys just coming out of nowhere that surrounded you and the delinquents.

They tried to get it off them but fail once the butterflys are gone you saw yourselves in the school hall.

They were sure scared but attacked you anyway...thats where they were dead wrong.

(You fight like that but no hits and no deaths just knocking them off with bat)

You were done with them.

You snap your fingers making them disappear and appear in their own school.

You snap your fingers once again and you were in the gym.


It was currupted.

There were strings and black goof every where.

There was portals around and some trace of blood.

You quickly go in the portal.

You saw every body was tied up with strings you were cutting off the strings and looking for jimmy.

In the distance with jimmy.

You run towards then ready your scythe.

You notice that chara was not there but you didnt care.

You were still running and notice another thing....

There was a string in jimmy's neck, you were close to them.

When you were near enough you jumped slash.

But before you hit the string...


jimmy's head fell trace of blood...

Blood spitting every where...

You reached the ground on your feet but kneeled down looking at the head and your eyes flashing blue...

Tears threatening your eyes as your tear fell down.

Chara jump slashed you in the face (in your face! Sorry trying to lit up the mood...)

It got your left eye. It starts bleeding you screamed the VOID starts shaking intensely.

As if it was about to crash.

Creator ink evacuated everyone while you still in your knees crying as the void it self is going down.

Chara and error left the void falling apart...


Sad i know.... Sorry please light up

NAJ (au sans x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt