~©©chapter two®®~

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Your POV

After we roam around i asked "hey can you join us later for lunch?" I asked titling my head again...

He just past out nose bleeding but before he fell i catched him.

"Sis! Is he alright?!?" Jimmy asked

"Yeah i think..." I answered.

then we got into the infirmary.
There was a goat woman

" my children what happened?!?" Ashe said in very panic tone.

Soo... We explained what happened to him she just giggle and i ask.

"Whats funny?" Not in a very rude tone.

"Oh its nothing~ by the way my children i am toriel the care taker of the wounds (XD) i am here every day so if anyone's injured i will heal them."

Me and jimmy just nodded and head out. Our first subject is astronology then arts. Ms. Toriel gave us a slip letter.

We came in to our room and saw the teacher. Standing.

(I aint getting you a pic of dream ya dingus find it yourself)

"Aaand why are you two late?" He asked.

"Oh we just got to the clinic to put pallet their cause he past out and got nose bleed" jimmy explained while giving the teacher the letter.

"Fair well go to your sits" said the teach. And i got the seat on the very back at the window while jimmy sat in front of me.

I... Slept on the class but its not like i care... I am way more knowledge than this teacher he could ever know.

~time skip~

I heard the bell rang i woke up but didnt get up still burying my head to my hands on the desk.

"Hey! Sis you fell asleep at the class and lets go to the second period, and get your lazy butt up!"

Jimmy said whining "ok bro" i said getting up and packing my things.

Our next was arts we were about to head out of the room.
I bumped into someone and fell landed with my butt, my glasses fell off too.

When i look up and see a jock.


Did i do a great job on the cliff?!?

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