Fili's Courage

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Thorin could hear goblins as he neared the cave, he ran in to find a small boy with black hair and blue eyes, shivering behind a rock. Blood was running down the side of his face. He was crying too. Thorin bent down and put a hand on his shoulder.

'Young one, where is Fili?' He asked. The boy pointed to another opening in the cave. Thorin ran towards it, drawing his sword as he heard the shrieking of the goblins. He saw Fili fighting one and his heart stopped beating for a second as he looked at his young nephew. Fili was covered in blood, wide eyes full of fear but he was still fighting. Just then another goblin threw a knife at Fili.

'No....!' Thorin shouted but it was too late, the knife struck Fili in the shoulder. Fili yelped in pain and feel face first onto the caves floor. Thorin ran towards him, killing every goblin who got in his way, that happened to be all the goblins.

He rolled Fili over and picked him up, so he was laying in his arms.

'Uncle...,' Fili croaked,' is Troy....okay?'

'I think so, Fili,' Thorin replied looking down at his pale face.


'It's going to be alright,' Thorin smiled, it was fake, inside he was crying. His oldest, handsome, fun, loving nephew was dying. He thought of Dis and he could not allow Fili to die. He stood up, holding Fili's limp body and saw how Fili winced. In the corner of his eyes he saw Balin and Dwalin running towards him.

'Thorin, are you okay?' Balin shouted out but when he saw Fili, he turned pale.

'What happened?'

'Goblins,' Thorin replied looking at Balin. Dwalin gasped when he saw Fili. The friends made their way out of the cave and Balin helped young Troy up. He looked at Fili.

'Is he dead?'

'No,' Thorin snapped.

'He saved me....,' Troy's voice trailed off.


Thorin carried Fili to the healers tent and stayed by his side for hours. Dis cried and hugged Kili who was clinging to his brother's arm.

'Will he survive?' Thorin asked.

'Yes, I think he will,' the healer replied dabbing a cold cloth onto Fili's head because he had a bad fever.


Later that night, Dis had gone to tuck Kili into bed. Thorin looked down at his small nephew.

'Don't give up, Fili. You are a Durin, like me, don't give up,' he whispered. Amazingly, Fili began to stir. His eyes flickered open.

'Dis,' Thorin called out. Dis came running in and saw Fili waking up.

' darling boy, you are so courageous,' Dis smiled. And Fili smiled back.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading. I will publish another soon, hopefully soon. You are all amazing readers and you have no idea what your comments, vote and reads mean to me. I can't thank you enough. Have a great Easter!

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