"Why Kili Has No Beard"

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"Why Kili has no beard"
Narrators p.o.v (Written by Madi)

'Good morning, Mummy!' The two little dwarves chorused whilst jumping onto their mother's bed.
'Oof, wow Fili you're sure feeling better today,' she exclaimed, lifting Fili up from her stomach.
'Yes I am, it's been a week,' Fili tried to lie.
'No it hasn't, it's only been two days,' Dis giggled as she placed him down at her side. As Dis sat up, she saw a fuzzy mess of dark brown hair that belonged to a little happy, crazy dwarf at her legs.
'Morning, mummy!' the little dwarf shouted excitedly. Dis smiled and picked him up into a hug whilst Fili snuggled down under the blankets next to her.
'You really need to brush your hair, little mister,' Dis chuckled, trying to run her fingers through it.
'Never!' Kili shouted and jumped off the bed. He started to run away, but his giggling fits tripped him up. He got up again and started running wildly throughout the house. Dis got out of bed and grabbed the hairbrush from her bedside table. She stood at the doorway and tightened her grip on the brush. She narrowed her eyes onto Kili and took off like a mad woman.
Kili screamed with excitement when he saw that Dis had joined his wild goose chase.
'You'll never catch me!' He cried as he ducked under the table, forcing Dis to take a detour.
'Kili, come here!' Dis shouted, waving the hair brush in the air. 'If you don't brush your hair, you won't grow a nice beard.
'I don't care, I don't even want a beard!' He replied cheekily, weaving his way through the house. They had made such a racket that they had woken up poor Mili and Thorin.
'Kili, this is the last time! I have been trying to get you to brush your hair for weeks, you need to brush your hair,' Dis exclaimed.
'What is this?' A deep voice stated. Dis and Kili stopped in their tracks and looked over to the doorway.
'I'm trying to brush Kili's hair,' Dis stated, waving the brush in the air. Thorin crossed his arms and looked darkly at Kili.
'If you do not brush you hair, Kili, you will never grow a beard, and if you don't grow a beard, people won't think your a dwarf. I can't have a nephew that will one day become king not have a beard,' Throin said sternly, but there was also a hint of playfulness in his voice. Mili was still crying, so Thorin went over to the cradle and picked her up. He cradled her softly, stroking her back and calming her down.
'Lets hope this one can grow a beard,' Thorin chuckled. Dis huffed and Kili tried to ignore Thorin and rolled his eyes.
Dis took the opportunity of having the goose chase stopped, to slowly creep up on Kili and gently tackle him to the ground.
'Oof!' Kili exclaimed as his mother pounced on him. She wrapped her legs around him tightly and started to brush his matted hair. 'Mum! That's not OW! fair OW! Oh my Gondor OW! That hurts!' He cried.
'Thats what you get for not brushing your hair,' Dis stated while struggling to get through a knot.
Kili huffed and crossed his arms.
'I'm never brushing my hair again,' he stated confidently. 'OW!'

~ This quick little one is for my pal MJ (Middle_Earth_) she encouraged me to write it. I said half an hour, so this is what I have come up with in the time. So I hope you enjoy, especially you MJ, I know you're reading this XD
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