Chapter 22

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"What do you know?" Jung kook asked.

"I know everything." Someone new spoke out.

Jung kook turned and saw a new man standing in front of him. His hair was in a wreck, blonde and light green strands were flying everywhere and there were purple bags under his eyes. But in his hands was something shiny and red. It was glistening under the bright lights above them. That must be Yoongi, considering the gruff tone and the amount of hate that was laced within the words he spoke. In his other hand was papers filed into a thick sheet of yellow paper and a paper clip at the top.

"What did you say?" Jung kook replied back, tightening his fists. "How would you know anything about me?" Before Jung kook could continue, Yoongi threw the file at Jung kook but the man jumped back and the file skidded at Jung kook's shoes. The documents inside peeked out of the yellow file and a particular newspaper clipping stopped at Jung kook's shoe and he picked it up, the old material crumbling under his fingers as he scanned the clipping. He saw the bolded headlines, the pictures, he addresses and the terrifying conclusion at the end. The picture had his silhouette, it was difficult to miss that mop of black hair and the bony yet strong frame he carried on his body. He stood near a car crash, the car was turned over the glass was scattered everywhere on the road. The engines were spilling out and the only light source at the road cast an ominous shadow on the car, blurring out the face of the victim inside the heavily damaged vehicle.

"This. This is your doing." Yoongi accused. He pointed at the files. "You killed him."

"I..." Jung kook started off. He threw the newspaper onto the ground and was going to explain himself, but Yoongi was already pointing his artillery at him. The air bubbled with heat as the light pool at the glove and orbs of light began to seep into the glove. Yoongi blasted a ball of light towards Jung kook and the soldier dodged. The man behind him drove away and Jung kook landed squarely on his side, his ribs protesting. The silver haired man grabbed Jung kook collar and tried to run. But the soldier shrugged off the hand and stood up by himself.

He leaned on one of his stronger legs and waited for Yoongi to bring something else onto him. "I...I didn't know! That wasn't me!" He tried to reason with the vengeful man. But whenever he said something, Yoongi just got angrier, he was pushing every wrong button he had. The soldier side stepped when Yoongi charged, he lifts up his leg and kicked the man away. There was a sharp turn that made the soldier get thrown off his balance.

His hand connected with the ground as he pushed himself up again, turning just in time to catch a flying fist from the back. He grabbed Yoongi's arm and tried to push it away but another fire was made. The beam of energy grazed his neck and he heat was scalding. They were so close that he could smell the oil and heat that was emitted from the glove itself.

Yoongi forced his arm towards Jung kook but the soldier had quicker reflexes. He turned and flipped Yoongi over, before blocking a series of kickings and punches. Jung kook threw a punch before getting kicked in the stomach. The impact did not seem painful for him, but he was stunned. He was shot in the chest, he screamed and felt his skin getting scorched. He flew backward and tumbled onto the marble ground. Hitting his head that made his ears ring. He saw his shirt burn, charred at the side the black flakes dotted his pristine white shirt. Jung kook grabbed his chest and felt his skin tingle and swollen under his shirt.

He stood up shakily, his injury wasn't letting him stand up straight. Whatever that glove was, whatever it was supposed to do, it was dangerous to him. Another blast to his body and he could get knocked out. He tried to focus at Yoongi, but he was seeing double. Everything was shaking in front of him like he was thrown into a hurricane. He rubbed his eyes and charged again, this time, he was trying to let his war instincts take over his mind. He threw a first false punch, Yoongi gets distracted and Jugng kook kicked him in the stomach, sending his crouching on the ground. He was about to punch him again when a hand grabbed his wrist. He turned quickly and saw someone he never saw before stopping him. A long face and slightly messy hair, the new stranger's eyes glowed and there was this shine that made his mind and ears stop ringing so much.

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