Chapter 25

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"You have to get them out of the ship. I cannot keep this up any longer. I am running out of ammo soon." Jung kook shouts. He took out the last pack of ammo he had left and jammed in into the gun, refilling it instantly. "Any moment now and we will be f*cked."

Taehyung took off, running in head on and jumping up smashing his shield onto one of the soldiers' head. The figure below him yelled out something that he could not understand, but a pair of hands grabbed his ankles and pulled him down onto the ground, bringing his shield with him. He bounced off the ground and he heard something inside his body crack. Heat exploded on his side and he struggled to stand up. He charged again and jammed his shield into the soldier's side and pushed it as the man grabbed his neck and tried to push and at the same time, strangle the man. Taehyung gave a hard push, throwing the soldier backward. He screamed as he fell from the ship, his body disappearing in the clouds and the buildings below. Taehyung gulped at the height, a sense of vertigo engulfed his chest.

He looked back and saw the 5 other soldiers pointing their weapons at him. Taehyung felt the air blowing behind him, the wind pushing him back into the ship. He raised his hand, a somewhat distraction for the soldiers who got busied by Taehyung's hand. The brunette planned it quick and threw his shield to the front, hitting another soldier aquickly, however, Taehyung misjudged and he got shot on his arm, the bullet grazing his uniform and arm. He ignored the pain and continued charging forward, feeling his boot connecting with the floor as he jumped and landed on the enemy's shoulder. He heard a crunch under his boot as he crushed some bones. The brunette jumped off and kicked the man in his jaw, breaking it compeltely.

He went for his shield, but someone got it instead, he looked up as he was running, and saw Jung kook holding it, hitting the side onto another man's chest. He grabbed a small hand held gun and tossed it towards Taehyung. The man grabbed it in the air and turning to shoot it some other's body. He foolishly missed, the bullets whizzed past his own figure. Jung kook continued fighting, sometimes, bumping into Taehyung and pushing off him while still trying fight with his new and foreign weapon gained from his friend.Taehyung dodged a swung fist and he kicked and retracted his leg quickly. quickly returning to his own and fighting stance. He started moving again, inching closer and closer as he forces and pushed slowly at the enhanced soldier near the gaping hole of the ship. Taehyung eyed the sheer drop and something hitched in his throat.

"Taehyung!" He heard someone shout. He made a mistake, he looked back during a fight. Something he shoulder never do at all. Taehyung was shot through his gut and he fall forward, getting his neck grabbed by a soldier and pulled backward. He saw Jung kook running towards him, having his hand out. Taehyung extended his hand out , but his vision was blurred. His body was slammed against the ground and his head hitting jagged edges of the ground and his vision fading from black and red as fists connected to his face.

Taehyung's mouth was welled up with blood and the metallic taste overwhelm his tongue. He saw the fists trying to hit him again and again, mirroring his fight in the battlefield years ago.

"Stop!" Someone screamed. The person pried the soldier away from Taehyung and Jung kook's face. He grabbed for Taehyung at the soldier tried to get up, but the pounding was so loud in his mind , it kept his paralyzed. The only thing he could feel was the cold air whistling passed his ear. His breathing turned heavy, he was having everything flash across his eyes as there were bright lights heat wrapping around his head. "Wake up, dammit!" Jung kook shouts. "Sh*t!"

Taehyung hastily grabbed for Jung kook's arm. His fingers curling around his friend's arm. The material felt very hard and coarse on his fingertips, he choked on blood and felt the liquid stream down his mouth. He felt warmth on his cheek and something wet on his face, his breathing was ragged, irregular. Everything around him was muted completely.

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