Part 14 {Christmas Gala part 2}

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'What is that?' I hear people whisper around me. 'Are those scars?' Some other people say to each other.

Are they talking about me?

I let Ethan go and look around me I see that people are looking at me.

They definitely are talking about me.

I turn around and see Josh looking at me. He looks shocked.

Why is he looking shocked? I mean he doesn't care about me and he saw the blood once.

'Maya, why is everybody looking at you?' Ethan asks.

'They really are scars.' Some people say.

I hear more people starting to whisper about me and my so called "famous" scars.

'You don't want to be seen with someone that is so desperate that she is cutting herself? Right, Grayson?' I hear Carly say.

He doesn't respond to her, he doesn't say anything!

Carly walks up to me with Grayson and Melissa next to her, 'if you ever need help, I have great advice for you. Just kill yourself.' She says and laughs.

I look at Grayson, he still isn't saying anything.

Ethan stands next to me and looks at me just as shocked as my brother. He doesn't say anything at all, but he holds my hand.

'Look, Maya, because your crush isn't loving you back doesn't mean you have to cut yourself.' Carly adds.

I feel tears filling up my eyes, no tears because I am sad, tears because I am raging.

How can she say something like that and Grayson doesn't even say something about it?

I look at Ethan and I see that he is really mad at Grayson for not doing anything at all.

'He isn't my crush,' I say.

I see that Grayson is looking surprised.

'Finally, the girl speaks,' Melissa says joking. 'Yeah, I do speak Melissa thanks.'

'So you don't mind if I do this,' Carly says and she kisses Grayson right in front of me.

'I don't,' I say.

Of course, I do mind! I love him, at least I think I do.

'Cool, so that makes us official again,' she says to Grayson. He smiles and kisses her.

He did not!

I smile at them and look at Ethan. He looks back at me and smiles.

I get my head closer to his, and kiss him.

What did I just do? I lowered myself to her level!

I run out of the gym.

P.O.V. Ethan

She kissed me... She kissed me.

I look at Grayson and she anger on his face, it is his own fault.

She runs away and I want to follow her but I get stopped by someone.

I immediately feel a fist hitting my cheek, and everything gets blurry.

P.O.V. Maya

'There is a fight!' 'A fight in the gym!' I hear many people yell.

A fight? Who would-? Ethan!

I immediately run back to the gym and look for where the fight is.

It isn't really hard to find because everybody is yelling and standing around it.

I push myself towards the mass, and see that it really is Ethan.

He's knocked out, if no one is going to intervene he is going to die!

I look at the person who's hitting him.

You've got to be kidding me! Josh!? Why would he hit Ethan almost to death?!

'Josh stop!' I yell. 'Josh you're going to kill him!' He looks at me and runs away.

Grayson runs up to Ethan. I also run up to him and kneel down next to him.

I look at Grayson.

People are already calling 911, so we don't have to do that.

I hold his hand. He doesn't pull his hand away so I think that it is okay.

When the ambulance arrives, Grayson goes with them.

I call my mom.

'Mom?' 'Yes?' 'Can you pick me up and bring me to the hospital?' 'What happened?' 'A really close friend of mine has been beaten up.' 'I am on my way.'

Save me // ft. Dolan twinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora