Part 24 {Hospital}

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She has been lying in this bed for 2 days now and all I can think about is why she did this, why she wanted to end it all.

I have visited her every single day, when I was done from school I immediately went to the hospital, stayed with her until visiting hour was  over.

I still miss her smile, I miss everything about her, I just miss her.

Ethan did visit her once, it was hard on him. I could see that. He misses her as well.

I am sitting next to her again, it's 6 pm so I have two hours until visiting hour is over.

The doctors didn't have any news yet, I don't know what they are waiting for, I just want them remove the artificial respiration.

But I don't want her to die, when they do remove it, so I am being patient, waiting for the doctors to come up to me and tell me she is ready to wake up.

Ready to get back in my arms.

Her mom and stepdad haven't visited her yet, maybe they will come today, I hope they do. She needs them as well.

I hear my phone ring.

'With Grayson Dolan,' I say while walking out of the room. 'Hey, it's Cameron, are you with her again?' 'Yes,' I sigh. 'How is she doing?' 'Same as yesterday, and the day before and the day before that.' 'Ow, did the doctor say anything yet?' 'No.' 'Okay, I'm coming to the hospital to support you and see her.' 'Thank you Cam,' I say and hang up the phone.

I walk back into the room.

I grab a chair for Cameron to sit on when she arrives.

I look at her face, it is messy, not that her face is messed up but with the tube and all.

A tear? There is a tear running down her left cheek?

'Doctor!' 'Yes?' 'A tear?! Is she awake? I saw a tear!' I say very happy.

She is awake, she must be! How else can she be crying?

'I am sorry son, that isn't a sign of her being awake, we see that a lot when people are in a artificial coma.'

Every bit of hope I just had of her being awake, is gone.

She'll wake up, she'll one day.

'Hey Gray,' I see Cameron walking up to with a balloon and a bouquet of red roses.

She gives me a hug and I lead her into the room.

'I'll get a vase to put the flowers in, they are beautiful by the way, her favorites.' I say. She nods and sits down on the chair holding Maya's hand.

I walk to the reception and ask a vase.

'Thank you,' I say when the woman hands me one. 'No problem.'

I go back into the room and put the roses in the vase, it looks beautiful. It makes the room a bit happier.

I sit down next to Cameron, 'it looks like she is in peace,' she says. 'Don't say that.' 'Why not?' 'It sounds like she's dead, but she is not.' 'You should know that it is a very big chance she will be.' 'Stop! I haven't lost hope, she'll wake up.'

Cameron is very smart and knows when to just shut up.

She probably already lost hope on her, maybe not when I was talking with her on the phone. But now she's seen her she has.

'We should get some dinner downstairs don't you think?' I nod.

We get into the elevator, where a family is standing, an old lady, two young boys and a woman that looks like the mom of the boys.

They are crying, they probably just had bad news.

We sit down on our table, I am eating a pizza with pineapple and Cameron is eating a salad.

'Hospitals make me sick,' Cameron says. 'Same.' 'Then why have you been here like all the time?' 'Maya, I can't leave her, no one visits her not even her parents!' 'Do you feel guilty about what has happened to her?' She asks. 'Kinda, I think.' She nods.

I feel really guilty...

Authors note:

Hey guys, I am about to finish this tory soon, so I was wondering what you guys would like.

Would you like to get a part 2 of this story based on Grayson's life?

Or just a whole other Dolan twin fan fiction?

Save me // ft. Dolan twinsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora