Chapter 1

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I am Yoongi. I am a photography major at BigHit university. It’s a nice little place, with 4 buildings, 3 for all the different majors in the arts they teach here, and 1 for the dorm buildings. I live in the dorms right now along with all the other people who haven’t had their Time yet.

The Time happens when you find your soulmate. We all have these little timer like things on our wrists. It goes year,month,week,day,minute,and second. I know it’s a lot to fit on our wrists but it happens. When the timer gets to zero you meet your soulmate.

An example is “Y:05 M:03 W:00 D:01 H:13 M:47 S:05”.

It looks something like that. Now my timer is worrying.

It reads “Y:00 M:00 W:00 D:02 H:08 M:15 S:26”

Meaning that in 2 days, I will meet my soulmate. I am terrified. Because, I will have to spend my whole life with this person, and I heard that if you try to run away from your soulmate fate will only bring you together. I don’t want this, but I can’t hide from fate now can I?

Now that I have stood in front of my dorm door for about a solid few minutes I should get to class before I get hounded by Namjoon.


“ Namjoon it was easy for you. It isn’t for me!,” I say for probably the 4th time this morning.

Namjoon already found his soulmate. It end up being Seokjin, the man who he had been watching from afar and they found out the day Namjoon’s timer was running out and I talked him into at least saying hi to Seokjin before finding out who is soulmate was. Turns out that hi was a hello to his future husband. They now have a apartment together near the university, and are very very happy with each other. That's what happens when your crush is your soulmate.   

But, for me, a person with no crushes at all, to go through this, is nerve wrecking. I never acted on the small feelings I felt growing for people when I was younger because I knew it would be useless because they weren’t my soulmate.

“ Yoongi it will be fine. You should be excited! You're gonna meet who you are gonna be with the rest of your life in 2 days!,” Namjoon exclaimed.

“Exactly why I should be nervous,” I deadpanned.

“ Well with an attitude like that of course it’s gonna scare Mr.Grumpy Gramps,” he sighed slinking down into his chair.

“ You must have a deathwish,” I snapped.

And that ended our conversation as the professor walked in the door.


I took notes and zoned out sometimes during the lecture today, it was mostly review so it didn’t matter much. I love photography so I am very serious about studying what I need to and perfecting all of my classes. But it wasn’t until the end of the lesson that something he said caught my attention.

“ Oh! Remember to prepare and clean all of your equipment tonight or tomorrow night. In 2 days we will be joining the modeling majors as their photographers!,” he explained to us.

‘Wait what,’ I thought.

“ How are we going to do that?,” a kid in the back shouted.

“ We will be working with them for about 2 to 3 weeks. You will be partnered with a model for the whole period of time along with a makeup artist. It will be count as your most important grade of this term. So I recommend you work your hardest,” he instructed us, and with that the class ended.

“Ohhh~,” Namjoon cooed in my ear.

“ What,” I deadpanned, clearly annoyed.

“ Your timer runs out in 2 days. Maybe your soulmate must be apart of the project,”

He seems more excited about this than me.

“ Shut up,” I said and walked to lunch without him.


I sat across Namjoon and Seokjin during lunch. They were sitting so close and looked so happy.

Every once in awhile they would steal food off the others plate and laugh as the other hit them playfully.

And to think that I could be like that in 2 days.....


It is now around 5 o’clock and I am sitting in the library looking at the names of the people who are in the modeling class of my year and one year above and below.

I wasn’t listening to Namjoon and thinking that my soulmate was one of these stuck up hotties. I mean.... They are hot though...but I swear I was just looking for people who I might know so I wont be partnered up with someone I don’t know.

“ Kim Seokjin,” I mutter out loud. A name I finally recognized. The one who is Namjoon’s soulmate. I laugh at the thought of Namjoon praying while Seokjin isn’t in the room so that they could be partners.

I skim the paper again and notice another name I know on it.

“ Kim Taehyung,” I whisper.

He is the well known fuckboy. He bullies almost every gay guy out there. Glad I left figuring myself out to whoever my soulmate ends up being because I wasn’t risking anything when it includes Taehyung.


I left the library after reading over a few other pages and nothing else popped out at me as anything special.

I was almost out the door when I heard someone’s body being slammed onto the ground, a hallway behind me. I sigh, knowing exactly what is going on. I drag my feet as walk back to the hallway.

It’s Jimin being slammed onto the ground by Taehyung.

Jimin is one of the makeup artists here, I met him through Hoseok, as they both dance together in their free time.

“ Good job, idiot,” I mutter as I watch what is going on for a few more seconds before I go down the hall in their direction.

At this point Taehyung has Jimin being held up by his collar. I grab Taehyung’s wrist and gently pull it off of Jimin, without glancing at Taehyung's face.

I was to focused on the timer on his wrist.

It read “ Y:00 M:00 W:00 D:02 H:08 M:15 S:26”

I let go of his wrist, still not sparing him a glance, and drug Jimin out of the hallway.

{TaeGi Soulmate AU} My Clock Stopped For YouWhere stories live. Discover now