Chapter 5

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I was back sitting at lunch with Namjoon and Jin when I saw the all to familiar scene fold out in front of me.

Taehyung would walk in the door and then the girl I find in our flat all to often would show up and going to cling herself to his arm. He would give her his signature smirk and then he would go and, get his lunch and they would both eat together off of his plate.

The scene disgusted me, but most of all, as embarresing as it to admit, I was jealous. Why? Because he was my soulmate. We are going to be forced to live the rest of our lives together, and no matter what I am going to follow around this jerk.

" YOONGI!" Jin yelled, but not loud enough to make heads turn. I blinked a few times before turning to him myself.

" What?" I asked, still trying to get out of my daze.

" You were glaring at Taehyung again," Jin said sympathetically.

" Shit," I muttered under my breath.

" You should go and talk to him about it," Namjoon offered.

" We kind of did this morning," I said.

They both looked surprised because ussaully I would shrug it off and change the topic. I could tell by the look in their eyes that they weren't going to let it go until I told them what happened so I just went ahead.

" He made me breakfast, and I was upset because I am never a nice person in the morning and so I said he should go make breakfast for his girlfriend. He said he doesn't have a girlfriend and I made a comment that the moans I hear coming from his room say differently. That was That," I explained.

Jin basically slammed his face on the table and Namjoon just started at me wide eyed.

" What the fuck," Namjoon said.

" What," I replied.

" He made your breakfast! That is super romantic. I guess that means he is trying to put in effort!" Jin exclaimed from his position in the table.

" And you ruined it by bringing up the girl he has been banging for the past few weeks," Namjoon added.

I am starting to find it creepy how well they go together. Like they are literally finishing each others thoughts. I feel bad for their future children.

" Well sorry but isn't it basically cheating! We are SOULMATES and he is having SEX and being all ROMANTIC with that girl over There," I said a bit loudly. Still not a head turned but it is louder than I have ever gotten about the topic.

" Well I think you might not be looking like you want to try to make it work. Before the fated romantic feelings happen you need to put in effort too. He made you breakfast so he might be trying, while also staying the good ol slut that he sadly truly is," Namjoon replied.

" But I do agree with you. Neither of you are in the right here. So let's give you 3 goals you must do by the end of the week," Jin suggested.

" Alright Mom. Give them to me," I sighed.

" You actually want our help?" Namjoon asked surprised.

" I have never been in any relationship besides a friend and that's only with a selective few. And now my soulmate happens to be a garden tool. So you can see how desperate I am," I admitted.

" Wow," Namjoon and Jin basically said in unison.

" Oh fuck off and give them to me," I tched.

" Alright the first thing is to make him a lunch. That way he has to eat your HOMEMADE lunch with the girl he has been fucking. Literally the perfect guilt trip. He has to think about how his soulmate did something so sweet for him while he feeds it to the girl he has been fucking," Jin instructed me, with a weird smirk on his face. He looks like he is experienced in this field. A little to experienced in guilt tripping if you ask me.

{TaeGi Soulmate AU} My Clock Stopped For YouWhere stories live. Discover now