Chapter 8

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Yoongi P.O.V


I was sitting at our normal table and had my face smushed into the table.

" Yoongi baby, what happened," Jin asked softly in his mom voice. He is really gonna make a great parent one day.

" I did 2 of your goals," I stated.

I could feel his eyes light up, and Namjoon coughed in his drink.

" R-really?!" Namjoon sputtered.

" Yeah," I let out, allowing myself to sound as dead a so felt.

" Well, how'd it go," Jin asked excitedly.

Without looking up I explained.

" I asked him what his favorite food was and he said lasagna and so I tried to make it for him. But I failed and when he came home we made out. Then you already snitched on me so I just went straight into talking about his girlfriend and how I felt about it and how it's not ok and he lost it.

We aren't on good terms right now," I explained.

" Wow, that's a lot that happened," Namjoon nodded while taking another sip out of his drink. 

" That's an understatement," Jin stated. 

"  I really just want it to be ok, but I can't let go the fact that he can't leave his girlfriend or his soulmate. Even if he doesn't love me it is fated that he will one day," I groaned into the table. 

"Yoongi, you need to wait for him to come to his senses and you also need to fix your faults with your relationship with Taehyung," Jin sighed. 

" We went over this Seokjin! I have done everything I can and he just won't come around," I shot back at him.

" You aren't thinking about this situation as love! You keep saying fate, fate, fate. Which you aren't wrong at all on that. Yes, it is fated that you fall for each other, but if you only sit around and blame it all on fate then this is going to take forever.  I mean if my soulmate was telling me to end my relationship with the person I was having an affair with because it is fated that you fall for each other I would hesitant too. You need to put fate into the back of your mind. Almost forget about it. Start thinking about love, and start living a life without the word soulmate motivating your every move," Jin explained as if was the most obvious thing in the world. 

I sat up for a minute and looked back at the arguments we have had, and all the thoughts I have ever had about Taehyung. Before I knew we was my soulmate I didn't think about him much. But after that, they always did include soulmate and fate. Seokjin was nowhere near wrong. 

" I really was doing that wasn't I," I whispered, not trying to really be heard. 

" This is really messing you up dude. You used to hate it whenever we tried to help you," Namjoon commented. 

" That's because I truly need help with my sou-," I stopped myself for a moment before continuing," With falling in love with Taehyung." 

" Much better," Jin smiled at me, tilting his head in Namjoons direction.  He is trying to be closer to Namjoon unconsciously now. It's amazing what love can do. 

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