Chapter 13

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Yoongi P.O.V


"No its perfect because now they know that you are all mine" I whispered, still just millimeters from Taehyungs face.

I watched as he processed my words and his eyes widened slightly, his mouth open ever so slightly, and the blush cross his face like a wildfire.

" o-oh" He managed before standing up straight.


Apperently Taehyung had brought his car so after I was called by Jimin; which consisted of him imforming me that his apartment was ready for the shoot; we hopped into it and made our way to his small housing building.

Jimin lived off campus; since he had met his soulmate he had to move out of the dorms but he was futher than the rest of us that also didnt live in the dorms. He lived about 15 minutes away with Hoseok right by the dance studio he worked at.

Taehyung and I were currently stuck at a red light and I realized something.

" This is the first time I've been in your car" I stated very matter-of-factly.

" No its not"

" Yes it is"

" No, when we moved out of the dorms you packed your stuff in here with mine and we both moved over to the apartments across the street"

" Yes we both put our stuff in here but you didnt even let me put my boxes in your car because, and i quote, ' You are gonna do it wrong'. So I let you do it and then you told me 'sorry not enough room. Oops'" I quoted him.

"I really did that?"

"Yes you did. Im honestly not surprised you dont rememeber"


After that we were silent. Just silent. We had nothing to say after that, I mean what was there to say?

I think I am just happy that he is mine. Finally mine.


Pulling in to the lot of the apartment seemed all too familiar to me. I remember walking here in the dark, late at night to see Jimin. To talk, to just see each other. We are closer than most people think. I don't quite remember how Jimin and I met, if that shows how long ago it was. He was still in highschool at the time, I know that much.

Taehyung had barely just stopped the car before I was unbuckling my seatbelt and starting to pull on the door handle.

" Can you wait a second you impatient hobbit"

I paused and turned to give him a quick glance.

" What did you just call me?"

" Hobbit," He responded without pausing a beat.

" Why"

" Do I need to check your height against hobbits?"

Without taking a single spared second I opened my door and headed up the stairs of the building, leaving Taehyung behind. Who needed him anyway?

Once I reached the top of the staircase I smiled. It's been so long since I have been here. After Taehyung and I moved in together, I hadn't been back here. This place was oddly like another home to me. A little safe place that warranted absolutely no judgement. Just a place that almost guaranteed a headache.

{TaeGi Soulmate AU} My Clock Stopped For YouWhere stories live. Discover now