Chapter 17

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Taehyung P.O.V


The sound of the lock clicking on the door was so faint, I could barely hear it, however the meaning behind it still made me flinch. By locking that door, he was putting a complete end to this. To us. To everything we almost had.

Because I can't forgive the past.

I am done. I am done with myself, and all the things I keep putting him through. Yoongi doesn't deserve this. I don't deserve him.

All of these cliche thoughts kept swirling through my brain, as I wiped my tears and stomped down the stairs.

I will show him how much I need him.

He went on and on about us being soulmates and how I ruined it by staying with Tianna, and now that she is out of our picture.

He doesn't understand the mess he made for himself.

Because now...he can't get rid of me. Not that easily. I gave him time, I understand he is mad. But this ends now. These childish fights end now.


Yoongi P.O.V


God damn it. Why did I do that. All I am doing is creating a bigger mess. More drama that now is going to take more to fix. I will be honest, all I wanted as an apology but in that moment, all I could think about how we have been going back and forth, over and over again. There's only been a few days of peace in our relationship. But, I wouldn't go as far as to call it that. I was rushing into this soulmate thing and look what I've done to him. 

If we were a normal couple we would have ended this. "I am sorry. It's not you, it's me. This isn't going to work." And then we would shake hands and nod in agreement and go back to acting like the other didn't exist.

That is how people break up right?

While thinking this very odd swarm of thoughts, I didn't notice two things.

One, the tears that had started to form in my eyes. A true classic.

Two, a very upset and sleep deprived Seokjin.

" Min Yoongi," I heard his soft voice echo from the dark hallway near the end of the dining and kitchen area directly behind me. The tone of his voice wasn't the kind, flamboyant Seokjin that Namjoon was tied to. This was angry slipper mom.


Taehyung P.O.V


I don't know why I suddenly had the courage to do this. Well, that is wrong. I don't have the courage to do this. I just have a person that is so important to me that I can't seem to let go. I was so set on pushing myself away from him, but now the thought of him truly leaving me, I can't bear to face.

I pull in and push the car into park. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I lean back and grip the steering wheel with both my hands, gripping it under my hands, so hard that my knuckles turn white. I push my arms so they are fully extended and push myself into the driver's seat, and take a deep breath.

" I have avoided this for too long."


Yoongi P.O.V


" What do you mean you kicking me out?"

" Yoongi, I understand that you guys are a mess. However, if you let this go on any longer this will become a pattern and end up toxic."

" I-."

" No. Listen to me. I know you are mad. I know you are at your wits end with him. However, I don't think you see how much he has done for you in the past few days. He finally gave up on the girl he loved, and put his whole focus on you. Isn't that what you wanted?"

" It is, but I asked if he knew Jumin before coming to university together and when we get home he goes off on me like I am stepping out of line for being curious," I blasted.

" I think you were," Soekjin replies calmly, crossing his arms and leaning his shoulder against the wall, acting all matter-of-factly.

" What?!"

" You can't expect him to let everything go in a few days. I believe that he did know Jumin before coming here together. However, it is clear that there is bad blood there that he isn't ready to share. It isn't your place to know it until he is ready to tell you," He sighs.

" We are soulmates, it is my place!"

" It isn't your place to know it until he is ready to tell you," Seokjin repeated before continuing," Yoongi I love you, and that is why I am not willing to be kind. You are tired, you are hurt. But you are also full of bullshit." 


Taehyung P.O.V


Jumin stood there wide eyed. His once half lidded eyes were now wide open, and any signs of sleep were now long gone. His tired hand rested on the inside of the door, just barely holding the front door open. His baggy grey shirt, with the logo of the dance studio Hoseok worked at was hangin a bit off his shoulder and was so long it covered his ass, so who knew if he was wearing anything under.

" You what?"

" I am sorry."

" I-...Taehyung it is 1 in the morning. Can we deal with this tomorrow maybe? Over some pancakes? Coffee?"

" No. I am sorry for being diffcult but I am almost done."

" Fuck, okay, fine. Now, what?"

" I am sorry."

" Huh?"

" I am sorry for everything I have done to you. What you did to me in highschool was mean, and it hurt me in so many ways. I lost respect of my peers and I lost my friends. However, I think it is time that I get over it. We both have found our soulmates and I am the one refusing to move past it. I think I have plenty gotten you back ten times more than necessary."

Jumin let out a small airy laugh. " I..well I can't argue with that."

" I am sorry, Jumin. That is all I had to say. I hope after a few awkward weeks that we can become friends. Goodnight, and tell Hoseok I said so to him as well."


Yoongi P.O.V


Why does this bag have to be so god damn heavy..


Taehyung P.O.V


Why the hell did I have to talk like I was from the fucking 1800s?!  " Tell Hoseok I said so to him as well." Like who the fuck talks like that? Like I am sending an email to a professor? Ew. 


Yoongi P.O.V


I opened up my phone and took a glance at the clock. 1:30. It didn't take as long as I thought it was to walk here. Currently my back is against the front door of my apartment and my bags next to me. Should I knock? I can't believe I forgot my keys when I left.

" Yoongi? You are back? You came back?"

" Shut up and open this door." 

{TaeGi Soulmate AU} My Clock Stopped For YouWhere stories live. Discover now