Chapter 9

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( I have written and re-written the time they use planning the project and it refuses to turn out right, so i am going to leave it unpublished until I can figure it out. I also don't want to leave you guys waiting for my idiot self to figure it out so I am going to skip it until I can figure it out)



It was finally the day.

Today was the day that we were doing our first shoot. In the end we couldn't decide on what style we should do, so we are doing three different shoots and going to pick the best from each shoot.

Jimin wanted to do a bakery shoot, something to do with being in the kitchen and making sweets, as he is going through a major sweet tooth phase right now. But of course Taehyung wanted it to be a sexy shoot, so they compromised after lots of arguing that it would be a 'sexy bakery' style. I sighed and decided to just go with it, but last night I got an idea for another shoot.


f the phone. It sounded distant and I could immediately tell he had put me on speaker phone.

" What if we did a photoshoot at pride?" I whispered through the phone, trying to make sure Taehyung didn't hear me. We still hadn't made up after our recent fight, and were staying out of each other's way.

" What did you say?" He asked, still sounding distant.

" What if we do a photoshoot at the pride festival?!" I repeated myself.

" Yoongi I still can't hear you," Jimin grumbled over the phone.

" Get me off speaker phone you sockman," I growled through the phone. The sounds of Jimin moving, probably off his couch and to his phone, and then suddenly it was like he was screaming into my ear.

" WHAT DO YOU NEED MIN YOONGI," He yelled into the phone. I almost threw mine in shock, god what kinda day has he had?

" god Jimin, no need to yell," I huffed before continuing," What if we do a photoshoot at the pride festival? We could do 3 different photoshoots. One for Taehyung and his obsession with doing a 'sexy' photoshoot. One in the kitchen and posing with cupcakes and pictures of him having fun baking. And the last one in rainbow at the pride festival! It would be very realistic."

" But what would be the theme?"

" We each have our own theme," I said, as if it was the as clear as glass.

" No, but the professors wanted us to have an overall theme. One theme for the whole project," Jimin reminded me.

" Oh..your right," I sighed, and pulled the phone away from my ear for a minute before I heard Jimin gasp.

" What?" I asked, slightly concerned about his sudden enthusiasm.

" We could call our theme, " Models are real people"," Jimin exclaimed.

" What...?" I lengthened my confusion.

" Taehyung at pride! Pride is an event to be proud of LGBT+ but also the LGBT+ fight is about we are real people. The fight for equality. With my hobby of baking, people think that models don't eat that much to stay so skinny. It would say that not only do they eat, they also eat sugary unhealthy foods too. And then with Taehyung's shoot...he wants to a sexy shoot. Which as much as that fits his appearance, it is quite the basic choice for a shoot," Jimin explained.

" I'll talk to him about it, but I also think that it is a good idea if he wants to keep it. It would show that this is what models show on covers of magazines but when not in front of the camera they like to do things just like you. And they are even more similar to you than you think," I added.

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