Chapter 11

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Taehyung P.O.V


¨ Tianna-," I began before she put a finger gently on my lips.

" Taehyung I know, this is the end of us," She smiled, and took another bite of her waffle which allowed her to peel her eyes away from mine.

" Tianna that's-," I had begun to correct her, and tell that it wasn't but she was right. Yoongi and I are soulmates. It's right for us to be together. And....I love him...

" I saw the look in your eyes when Yoongi came out and spoke to me, and when he gave me the waffle. I know you made it for him, not for me. I can tell you've begun to love him. Worry about him. Care about him," Tianna continued, looking back at me.

I didn't know what to do. She was right, but I couldn't feel but be ashamed of myself.

Tianna devoted so much of herself to me. Before she was herself around me she played the persona of a slutty girl who was just looking what I said I wanted. Another fling to have and then walk away from. I could tell she wasn't being herself, and that there was something deeper under her skin. Before she would ever reply to me or say something she would take a minute to pick out the right words. So I asked her on a proper date, just to see what was really under all the try-to-hard look she was putting on.

After we both spent more time together she opened up. I already knew from just watching her that she had put n this persona, but she even opened up and confessed everything herself. It was one of the first times I had ever seen a person so willing to fess up to a possible issue without anyone else addressing the problem. It amazes me to this day. She told me that the look she had put on and the words she had said to me in confidence, were practiced so she wouldn't stumble. Tianna is a sweet girl, not letting her utter and undeniable beauty sway her from being herself, her sweet and kind self.

When we got serious we realized because of my reputation and because of the place she took next to me that her and I had a reputation to keep up. So we acted differently and like we still were just people in a simple relationship just for the fun of it and to keep the boredom away. But once we left those doors of the college we would head back to my dorm or hers and be ourselves. We would talk openly about our pasts or just things we heard in the day. She would be her sweet and kind self, almost motherly. I would set my reputation aside and instead of being focused on seducing her, I would focus on enjoying my time with her.

That I did.

We fell in love, but we both knew we would have to fall out of it. The timers on our wrists never stopped counting down and with every second we weren't together was another one our love missed. She cried to me on the phone and into my chest more than once because she knew we would one day end. I would be a lier to say that I didn't cry myself. To see her so broken up because of me made me cry. I also tore myself up about it. When she would be spending a night with her friends or family, I would be at the bar trying to forget. Trying to forget we would have to end this.

She never spoke about the timer on my wrist but I knew she was always watching it. To help her relieve her stress I put duct tape over it, and painted it until she made me take it off. She said that could hurt my gorgeous skin and hurt my modeling career. I told her that if that happened that meant my beauty was just for her. She said nothing and at the time her hair wasn't long enough to cover her blushing face. Her aunt had lost all her hair to cancer and so she chopped it off and donated it to make a wig for her.

I remember after our first date. She was still shy but was just as interested in my timer as she was until the day it went off. We told each other the dates on our clocks.

Hers read: Y:2 M:3 W:1 D:5 H:23 M:37 S:13

Mine at the time had read: Y:0 M:7 W:3 D:2 H:8 M:21 S:30

Yes. We had been together for 7 months, and in those months we had made many memories. Even after she heard that I had found my soulmate and who it was she cried.

She told me it was time to let go.

But in the end, we couldn't. I didn't love Yoongi, and she wasn't as ready as she had said she was to let go.

Neither was I. I think I wanted to hold on more than she did. She knew it was time to let go, even though we couldn't. She was the one who started accepting it. I refused to believe it.

I told her that I would love her until I loved him. I told her that we no longer knew how much time it was until we were going to have to end this. I told her that I would keep her as close as I could until it was time. Time to go.

I held her as close to me as I could until..I spent more and more time with Yoongi.

I fell for him.

But I was scared. I still am terrified.

I pushed him away, I yelled at him. But I felt my worry for him grow. So I stayed away. I felt my interest in him grow. So I left. I hid from him, only ever coming out when I heard him go to his own room.

I told myself I wanted Tianna. I told myself over and over and over again that she was all that I wanted. But I knew. In my heart I wanted Yoongi. My heart and my body and my soul wanted him. They wanted Min Yoongi. I wanted Min Yoongi.

" Kim Taehyung," I heard Tianna whisper. I opened my eyes, now realizing that I had closed them.

" Baby don't cry," Tianna whispered again, before lifting my chin so I was now looking at her.

" It's okay to love Taehyung. Even if that person isn't me anymore. It's okay to love," She whispered to me, never raising her voice above it.

" It's hard to let go of you Tianna," I replied, my voice smaller than hers.

" I'm not dumb Taehyung. I can tell that for you, it's even harder to hold on," She replied before letting go of my face.

" Taehyung, letting go of our relationship doesn't mean your letting go of me. It means your finally loving the man you were born to love," She said, now her voice a little louder. A smile crossed her face, but I could tell she was sad. But she was right, we will be friends, even after this.

" You're right, I am not losing you," I replied my head perking up in realization. I am not losing her, I'm losing our relationship. It still hurt me. It hurt me so goddamn much. But I needed to know that. It helped let go, even if just a little.

" Tae," Tianna said.

" Hmm," I hummed.

" Go find Yoongi," She instructed.

" It's hard for me, he reminds me so much of him," I spoke, my voice falling back into a whisper.


" He is not him anymore. I know what happened between you two. I know he hurt you, but I know you hurt him back. Way more than he deserves," Tianna reminded me, her face growing stern.

I opened my mouth to say something.

" Right now you need to forget about what Jimin did to you and fix yourself with Yoongi. What kind of soulmate would you be if you didn't," She smiled, pushing my arms off from around her and pointing dramatically to the door.

" Thank you," I muttered just loud enough for her to hear me before running out the door.

/ Authors Note: 1) I never see the girlfriend or the ex ever being a good person, and I never see one of the members being the ones struggling to keep the relationships alive so I really wanted to dedicate a chapter to letting the good past lovers a lift because they aren't always bad people.

2) After publishing the first 5 chapters I realized that I hadn't figured out a GOOD reason for Taehyung to be bullying Jimin, because there are clearly many more gay people around the campus. So I finally came up with one, and it's not like there wasn't enough drama between Yoongi and Taehyung already right. Just had to add one of Yoongi's best friends being Taehyung's first love who- oops, I almost said what he did ;0

Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter full of new things and are looking forward to the next one/

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