EleanorHelena Presents: Author Question and Answers

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Hello Everyone! Hope all of you are having a wonderful summer!

This is my current summer theme song. :)

My name is Dani and I go by EleanorHelena on Wattpad. I'm currently writing two books, but I'm taking a bit of a break at the moment. Which brings me to a bit of exciting news! I haven't really told many people yet and wanted to wait to really announce this till the Summer Block Party, but I am currently expecting! And by the time you are reading this I *might* have a new little one. I'm due right at the end of August, but my other son came about 3 weeks early.

As far as the hiatus, It's been a long one and I don't know if anybody else has experienced this but I have a complete case of *prego brain.* I seem to forget everything lately and my brain has been like mush. The worse part of it all is I have not been able to write a single word for either of my books. I completely miss writing and I miss my characters, but I just cannot make the creativity flow. Hopefully, everyone can forgive and be patient with me during this time. I promise I will finish my books. I can't leave something that important to me unfinished.

Thanks to pregnancy brain, I really wasn't sure what to do for this post. I wanted to do the same short stories that I have done in the past, but I had a hard time figuring out what to write. This time I went ahead and asked some friends and family for some questions and decided to do a Q&A! Enjoy and feel free to ask me any questions. As long as I'm not stuck in the hospital I will gladly respond and answer.

1. Where do you draw your inspiration from?

All of my inspiration actually comes from my dreams. I have had really vivid dreams since I was a small child. I always was creating stories and drawings from my dreams. My dreams have only gotten crazier and more vivid as I've grown. Ethereal Angels was a dream I had many many years ago that just stuck with me. I had it in my head for years and finally decided to write it into a story. The Zombie King was the same but much more recent. I also have a lot of other potential stories. If I feel like this could be something that I'd like to turn into a story I write it down. I always keep a little notebook by the bed just in case. I love dreaming and even nightmares can be interesting to me!

Interesting tidbit about the Zombie King: The opening scenes and a lot of the surroundings are built off my house where I grew up and the city. In the dream, I had it was all from the house I grew up and actually the house I live in now, which is directly across from that.

2. Which character is your favorite from your stories?

I'm a huge fan of Genesis from Zombie King. I have actually put a lot of my attitude into her. I wanted to make her a really strong character and not someone who gets walked over.

I love Adelina too. People always point out that she cries too much, but honestly she is so sweet and innocent in my head. She was sheltered throughout her entire life. I feel like Adelina might be a part of my past. I grew up very sheltered and had no real idea of how the real world worked and that is exactly how Adelina is. But she is growing into herself and becoming stronger as time goes on. I will always be attached to this character because she was the first I ever developed and put into words.

3.Who are some authors that inspire you?

My biggest inspiration is Sarah J Maas. She inspires me to write strong female leads that are equal to the men in the stories. She is also one of my all time favorite authors.

I love Margaret Atwood as well. I know she is quite popular right now due to the television series, but nothing has made me really think about life as much as The Handmaid's Tale. After reading this and watching the show I spent days thinking about how women, not that long ago, were treated as property. We have come a long way, but we still have a ways to go and hopefully we won't go backward. I also have a goal to read some of her other books as soon as possible.

Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)Where stories live. Discover now