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You woke up on Logans couch alone. You grabbed your phone as you stretched and yawned.
You had a text from Logan.
"Hey babe had to leave for set, left you something in on the bed😉"
You laughed and walked into his room. You saw a small box and picked it up. You opened it to find a card which read,
"Y/n hope you will except the key and move in with me, love Logan"
You smiled and texted him.
"Of course babe❤️" you went down to your old apartment and grabbed your clothes. Most of them were already at Logans since you left them there.

-Time skip-
You finished getting your things all moved In, which wasn't a lot. You put your apartment up for sale and left it. You smiled as you added the key to your chain.

You were all ready and you got a notification to being added into a group chat with the wdw boys.

Daniel😛- y/n come overrr!!!
Ramen❤️💀- yeah we're so bored!
Jonah🤗- guys shut up I'm trying to sleep
Daniel😛- stop sleeping and wake up it's 10:30!!
You- I'm coming🙄😂
Ramen❤️- wow there y/n.....
Corbean🥑- um
Zach🌊- ew Y/n!!
Ramen❤️- welcome to the party Zach!
Daniel😛- leave
Zach🌊- flip off Daniel
You- stoppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
You- I'm here
Ramen❤️- on my way down

You got out of your car and heard Jack answer it.
"Jackkkk!!!!" You yelled as you ran to him.
"Y/n!!!!!" He yelled running to you.
You jumped in his arms and you laughed as he sat you down.
You said hey to all the guys and you guys decided to go shopping.

You guys made it to the mall and you wanted to go to Victoria's Secret and the boys refused to go in.
"Were not going in that pink, girly, bra, and thong filled store, were men!"
"If you were real men you wouldn't whine about it and you would go in with no problem"  you said raising an eyebrow.
Jack stood up and said he'd go in. The boys dramatically gasped and out their hands on their heart. Zach pretended to faint.
"Oh please"

You and Jack walked in and you turned to see Jack holding a thong.
"You don't wear these do you" he asked making a grossed out face. You laughed.
"It's just underwear, hey thats cute what size?" He tossed it to you and you kept it.
You picked out some leggings and some pagans bottoms. You also found a new perfume.

You told Jack to pose for a picture and he did.
You took it of him and saved it for Instagram.
You walked around the story's making sure you didn't miss anything and payed. It came out it be 155.00. You turned to Jack who's mouth was wide open in disbelief.
"Hey, beauty hurts and is expensive" you laughed and walked out.

After going to a few more stores you got home and found yourself laying out 5 bags of things you bought. You loved shopping. You looked at everything you bought and pretty soon Logan walked in.
"Hey ba- holy crap how much did you buy"
"Um, 400 dollars worth of things" you smiled innocently up at him and he shook his head.
"Well you bought Gucci slippers!!" You said crossing your arms.
"Fine" he hugged you and kissed the top of your head. You stuck your lips out for him to kiss but he just walked away.
"Huhhhhhhh" you gasped and walked away from him. You heard him laugh and he came back in to his room and kissed you.

-Time skip-
You walked out of this bathroom after your shower and saw Logan editing his vlog.
You went and sat on his lap and watched.
"Babe your hair is getting my shirt wet" you picked your head up and got off.
"Sorry" you went and sat outside on the love save with Kong. You went to Snapchat and snapped Logan a picture.
"Babbeeeeee come outtt" you saw that he screen shotted it. He put it on his story.
"I'm trying to edit my vlog and she won't leave me alone😡❤️" he atted you and and you decided to post back.
"I just love you🤷‍♀️❤️ @Logan"

You heard him come out and and he jumped on the love sac you were on. He laid on top of you and lit his head of your shoulder.
You took a picture and saved it and also posted it.
"They always come runnin back❤️ @LoganPaul"

You kissed his cheek and tried to shove him off but he was to heavy.
"No I'm comfy" he mumbled.
"I'm colddd" you felt him wrap his arms around you and snuggle up to you.
"There now let me be comfy" you smiled and played with his hair.

He pushed up off of you and pecked your lips.
"I'm off to bed, love you babe" he said walking inside.
You followed him and you both went to sleep.

The next day you woke up and Logan was still sleeping. You sat up and Logan jolted up next to you.
"Shi*, shi*, shi*" he was rushing around the room and being loud.
"LOGAN" you yelled to get his attention.
"YES WHAT Y/N" he yelled back and it made you flinch.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm in a rush I've gotta get to set"
"Why it's Saturday" you asked confused.
"Wait it is" you could see relief take over him.
"Yes" you laughed.
He laid back down on top of you and sighed.
"I want Starbucks" you said slipping out from under him. He sat up and said get ready.

-Time skip cos I'm lazy-
You were waiting outside for Logan to grab the coffees when you were pulled behind the shop by Jordan. He kissed you roughly and you tried to pull away. He smelled like alcohol and you were uncomfortable and hoping Logan would find you soon. You could feel how red your wrists were getting from his grip. He then tried to remove your shirt but he had let go of your hands you quickly kneed his balls as hard as you possibly could. He fell to the ground in pain. You stood screaming at him for a good minute before Logan found you.
You felt him grab you away but you weren't finished you slipped out of Logans grip and went back to Jordan. You kicked his stomach and then held on to his wrist so it was red.
"You ever touch me again and I swear to god I will kill you next time, and I mean it"
Logan picked you up over his shoulder and varied you back to the apartment.

"Y/n what the hell?! You can't just beat someone up!" He yelled a little
"Logan he harassed me while you were getting coffee" you yelled and showed your bow bruised wrists. "Logan I've had enough of that price of shi* and I finally had the courage to stop it and your gonna get mad at me for it?! Nice" you slammed the door to the apartment and walked off. You found yourself at the team 10 house. You knocked and walked in. You looked for Erika.
"Hey babe, you okay?" She asked as you walked into her room.
"No" you explained everything to her and she did her best to try and help you but it wasn't helping.

You ended up staying the night at Team 10 and you woke up before everyone else. You had 17 Tex's from him and 20 missed calls. You decided to go back to the apartment.

You walked in and Logan quickly stood from the couch and ran to hug you. He picked you up and kissed you.
"I'm so sorry" he said putting you down.
"It's okay babe, I shouldn't have left I should have just talked with you" you hugged him and he hugged you back.

--------- (may trigger some)
So today I went to a pool where you could let your dogs swim since summer is a most over (😭) and me and my friend were gonna go down the slide when our other friend called for us. We went down and saw a crowed of people gather around something, at fist i though someone had fallen but no. A dog ended up drowning. And I love dogs with my heart and I can't have one because my moms allergic and I cried so hard. I saw the guy carry the dog who had drowned. It's mouth and eyes were open and it was so sad. I cried like it was my own family member. I didn't even know the dog or owner but I was crying and so we're my friends. I got home and burst into tears. I was absolutely devastated and upset. I had never felt so sad. It was so traumatizing. The dog was given mouth to mouth and was taken to the vet. It may have lived but it I don't think it had a good chance. I just want to tell anyone who has a dog please keep them safe (also send pics😂) and tell them you love them.

Anyways thanks for 400 reads?!? Hopefully is accurate!! Thank you to everyone who is reading and voting❤️ keep it up!


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