Chapter 4 | Once In A Lifetime

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^^Song I'm referring to ^^


Today was a very special day. A very rare occurrence was going to happen. That's why Mom, Cameron, and I were in South Carolina, and we wanted a last minute vacation for summer. We arrived at South Carolina the day before, so we were able to settle into our hotel.

"Seriously Mom, not this song. This is one of the worst songs in the history of bad songs of the 1980s," I whined, rubbing my forehead.

"But it's a total eclipse of the heart!" She remarked happily, chuckling.

"You're the worst, I came here to relax, Mom!" I prodded, pushing her arm in an attempt to annoy her. We both laid back on the bed, laughing our butts off. Cam looked unamused at our meticulous laughing. 

"Please stop, Mom. It's torture," he whined in a high pitch tone, making sure to draw out each vowel in the word torture. I scrunched up my nose at his loud and annoying whining. 

"Continue playing it, Cameron?! No problem!" my mom stated in an optimistic tone. "Alright, kids. I'll stop. Only because you guys need to get your butts in gear so that we can go down to the beach before the totality." After the torture was cut off, I changed into a two-piece bathing suit where the top was tied around my neck and the bottoms rose up just above my hip. We walked down with towels in hand. We were in one of the expensive hotels right alongside the beach. Cameron's laughter morphed into coughing quickly. 

"You alright?" I asked. He nodded yes.

We walked out of the hotel where I noticed a gruff looking man eye me down from head to toe. I glanced at him for a moment sparingly, feeling uncomfortable. We hurried over to the beach and found a spot to place our stuff down at. Cameron ran closer to the water after asking permission as we set up towels and chairs. The umbrella we brought was also put up. We additionally brought a small cooler with sandwiches, snacks, and water. I looked out at the beautiful waves through the eclipse glasses. My mom was forcing us to wear them the whole day even though we weren't looking up at the sky. I wore sunglasses over them so I wouldn't look bizarre or stupid. 

I looked out for Cameron, but couldn't see him. I scanned the beach before spotting him curled over. It looked like he was wheezing as he latched onto his stomach. 

"Mom. Where's the inhaler? Mom!" I questioned, anxiety raising in my system. My mom looked over to Cameron before frantically looking through her purse. She finally found it after what felt like an eternity, so I snatched it out of her hands and sprinted over to Cameron. As I bustled closer, I could hear his short breaths and coughing. Once I reached him, I gave him the inhaler and helped him lift it to his mouth. He used the inhaler, so his breathing began to regulate slowly.

"Are you alright, Cameron?" Concern was etched into my facial expression. "Now nod yes or no to tell me if you are good or not." I grabbed onto his arm tightly, turning his skin a pale white. He nodded yes and a large, relieving breath escaped my lungs. My mom joined us and wrapped Cameron into a large and loving hug. He rolled his eyes heavily. "You need to carry your inhaler with y-" My mom cut me off with a wave of the hand and a look. I sighed out and blew a strand of hair up. The three of us slowly walked back to where our seats were set up. 

I laid out on the sun lounger chair and rested my palms and my phone onto my stomach. I closed my eyes and breathed in the salty air. My phone buzzed and the screen lit up, revealing a goofy photo of Jeremiah because he was calling me. I smiled slightly and answered the phone. 

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