Chapter Seven

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Just when Zed's Servant was about to end Zerra's life, she suddenly counters by slashing the side of Kerberos' body with a flame that had the shape of a sword. The huge beast goes down hard on the ground as blood drips from it's wound. Both Jun and Zed were shocked by Zerra's action. After a moment of being speechless, Kerberos' Master finally speaks.

Zed: What the hell happened?! That's impossible! No flames can injure him!

Zerra turns her attention at Zed as she points her flaming weapon at him.

Zerra: Its true that flames can't hurt him but these aren't ordinary flames.
Zed: What...?
Zerra: These flames can cleanse all kinds of evil. And judging from your Servant, it reeks of it.
Zed: Damn it...(murmurs)
Zerra: Since I've taken down your Servant, it's your turn.

Zed grips his hands in anger.

Zed: It isn't over. Not by a long shot.

Zed opens his right palm to reveal a small tribal-like tattoo. Zerra knows exactly what it was.

Zerra: A Command Spell.
Zed: I was saving until there was only one Servant left but since you've pissed me off, I'm going to use it on you!
Zerra: It's pointless! Your Servant is too injured to fight, even if you force him by using a Command Spell!
Zed: Idiot. Who said anything about forcing him to fight? Even if you've incapacitated him, he can still use his Noble Phantasm!

Hearing him say that, Zerra goes into a defensive stance.

Zerra: His...Noble Phantasm?!
Zed: Unfortunately, he's really stubborn and refuses to use it. But with a Command Spell, that won't be a problem.

Suddenly, the huge creature quickly gets on his feet. It jumps high in the air and lands next to his Master. The wound on the side of his body was still bleeding but it seems that he didn't care. Just then, his body slowly emits a red aura.

Zed: Die, Servant! Use it Kerberos! Use Hell Spike!

After saying his order, part of the tattoo on his palm disappears. Before Zerra could react, she gets impaled on the her stomach with a pitch black spike that seemed to appeared out of nowhere. The spike quickly disappears just as fast as it struct, leaving the Servant with a very bloody wound. She goes on one knee as she holds the wound with one hand. Jun couldn't believe what just happened.

Jun: Zerra!

Jun was about to go to where Zerra was but his Servant turns to him and gestures not to come and closer. Jun was confuse by this and was starting to panic.

Jun: Why? Why won't you let me help you? I can't just stand here and do nothing!

Zerra was touched by Jun's words and couldn't help but smile a little. He then takes out a small book from his pocket and prepares for a spell.

Jun: Like it or not, I'm helping you! I summon you: PAWNS!

Five suit of armors materialize in front of the wounded Zerra. Each pointing their spears at both Zed and his Servant. Jun was already out of breath after summoning only five as he tries to stay on his feet. However, Zed mocks Jun's actions by laughing at him.

Zed: How pitiful. You call that a backup? And I was expecting more after all that talk. I'm disappointed Jun.
Jun: S-Shut up! I'm not going to just stand here and let you kill her!
Zed: Then let me show you what true power is. Learn and be afraid.

With a snap of his fingers, Jun's summoned beings were instantly impaled by the same pitch black spikes that seems to come out of nowhere. His soldiers easily crumble into pieces as Jun could only watch in shock.

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