Chapter 1: The Beginning

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It was mid January, snow was sticking to the ground and the flakes fell from the sky. I stood on the roof of the building across the street from the house I knew so well, he stood beside me in his full black suit and weapons attached to his belt. My raven black hair blew in the winter wind, my lower half of my face covered by a black bandana and a gun gripped in my black gloved hand. Nobody could see us in our dark coloured outfits, we looked like shadows on top of the building in the quiet street.

"This is the place..." My name is Raven Zeller, I just turned twenty-three and was raised as an assassin. I believed what I was told my entire life and now I returned to my 'home' to take revenge on the person that lied to me since I was two. That lied to me about who I was and who the real enemy was in this country.

Before I tell you what happens next, let me take you back about a year. Back to when I didn't have control of my own life and when I believed that killing was the only thing the future held for me. Back to when I enjoyed seeing other people's blood escape their wounds. So let us start from the beginning shall we?


I stood in the man's living room. Alexander Davidson kneeled on the floor, tears streaming from his eyes and blood pouring out from his stomach as he bled onto his carpet. It used to make me sick seeing people's blood seep out of their wounds as they died slowly at my feet. But, through the years of my youth I had grown to enjoy the sound of people's begs for mercy as I slowly let them die, it was my job after all. To kill those that my mother found a threat to her and our family's power.

"Please... don't do it..." I raised my arm, my pistol was gripped in my gloved hand as I pressed it against the man's forehead. He kept repeating the words, 'don't do it' or 'please', between his sobs. A smile grew on my face as I knelt down on a single knee into the puddle of Davidson's blood, lifting my arm so the gun stayed pressed and angled against his forehead as in brought my face close to his.

"You're nobody to me. It wouldn't affect my life if you died so why should I care? Actually, it would affect me more if you lived." I spoke with my voice soft, lethal. I never spoke loudly, I found no point in speaking loudly when I barely spoke at all. Other than any side comments at home. "Raven Zeller... That's my name and I want my voice to be the last thing you hear before I end you."

He shook even more as his eyes looked into my sky blue ones, my finger easing down on the trigger of the pistol. "Any last words?" He didn't speak, more tears only fell down his cheeks. "Okay then..."

The sound that came from the gun was loud and Davidson fell backwards as my bullet went through his skull. I stood again, placing my gun on my belt and looking down at my blood covered boots. I'd have to wash these before I get another assignment from mother.

I was sure nobody was in the home, people would have come running to see what was going on by now. But somebody was bound to show up soon, including authorities. I swiftly ran to the window, jumping out and landing on the grass. It would be nearly impossible for anyone to find footprints in the grass, especially during sunset. My car was only down the street anyways.

When my engine started I began to hear the sirens in the distance, began seeing people leaving their homes to see what happened. Nobody noticed me drive off in my black sports car. It wasn't far until I reached my home, the large place where I saw my cousin Bree standing in the garage when I parked. She smiled slightly when she saw my blood covered boots.

"Another job done this quickly, Raven? I'm starting to think that you are going to take all of our places too." I shrugged Bree off when she put a hand on my shoulder. I never liked Bree, she was one of those girls that assumed that everyone loved her. Her perfect blonde hair and blue eyes, her makeup always stunning and she never had something other than ripped jeans and tank tops on. I was surprised I hadn't stabbed her yet considering how much she takes everything so lightly. "Aren't you going to hang out with me cuz?"

"I'd rather not hang out with somebody like you when I have more important things to do..." That shut Bree up, she just stared at me as I entered the house, taking off my boots and leaving them beside the door, knowing that a servant was going to clean them the second they saw them. I soon grabbed a pair of running shoes, not taking the risk of stepping in blood that somebody left on the floor because it wasn't their house, they didn't seem to care about changing their shoes.

My body seemed to find its own way to my mother's office room, I could walk there from any place in the house with my eyes closed by now. She was also right where she always was, sitting behind her desk a cigarette in her hand and papers of people she was going to get her assassins to kill next. The second I opened the door she was looking up at me with a smirk, one that showed me that she knew about my success but there was more to her smirk this time, something that made me get excited.

"How did it go Raven?" She put her cigarette in the ashtray, putting it out as she spoke with her loud, strong voice. I definitely hadn't gotten my voice from her. She signaled to the chair across from her, I sat myself inside it, relaxing back and crossing my legs.

"Poor man was begging for mercy..." She smiled, waving her hand to send her assistant away, the woman ran out of the room. She knew what happened last time an assistant didn't listen to mother. The woman's last sight was me.

Mother pulled out a folder, one that said 'top secret' on the front. I knew that folder, I was raised to know every fact inside it but was never assigned to the mission. Only one company had ever had any power over us, they had always threatened mother for her work and land. Their heir was only two years older than me, but for long as I could remember, mother told me that the boy was going to be the one to destroy us, to come after me as heir to her. His name was Dean LeClair, he had brown hair and hazel eyes. He mostly wore a black suit and tie with a white dress shirt.

I knew his schedule everyday, knew where he lived and what kind of car he drives. I knew that eventually he was going to be my target, I was raised to target him. Seeing mother hand me the folder made my stomach do an excited flip. I finally got to do the job I looked forward to. I was to kill Dean, and not hesitate on taking power over the LeClair company, leading my family to take over Secretonovia.

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