Chapter 23: Rose

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Working against Veronica was different, almost less stressful. It was not only you working alone to get the job done but a whole team.

The leader, Eleah Leon, was the most accepting person ever. Unlike Veronica, she respected my opinions on the matter, let me make my own choices on my team. Though she did filter my choices, I overall found myself with my sister and Dean.

So we were spending days speaking to Rose over the computer, the girl constantly updating us on what Veronica was doing.

She sent to kill the treasurer of the LeClair company and then began to make me train in aim.

The security is now assigned to the snipers and hand to hand combat teams. She is waiting.

Veronica had hired hackers to trace your locations, it won't be long until she comes to me.

It was like she was blogging, telling us how Veronica moved her pawns across the chessboard, how she tried to corner us Then came this day.

Bailey was right, Veronica did turn to Rose to finish me at Dean. Rose accepted then sent us the message. But none of us would have expected what to happen next, the message that was not from Rose but from Veronica.

All three of you girls have been given everything and this is what you do to me. Rose is now caught just like you. If you wish to see her for one last time before you all die you come back here immediately. Your time is up at midnight.

"She is going to die..." Bailey nodded, opening her drawer to reveal her guns and weapons that were things even I have not been trained to use. "What's our plan B?"

"We go in, attack, grab Rose then you can do your thing. Once Veronica is dead none of her followers will know what to do. A puppet without its master. The trouble will be getting through her security and finding her..." Dean frowned as his hand rested on my arm. He knew what he was getting into now, a family fight that was fated to come.

But it was Veronica unwillingly setting herself up, sending me for Dean. Sending Bailey for her fiance who I now learned to be named Connor. She was writing her own death by taking Rose, for targeting us when we had more of an advantage.

"She has done so much bad to my family and people I care about... I think tonight is the right time to go." I nodded, grabbing his hand then nudging my sister. SHe looked at me with a smirk, one I remembered from before she faked her death.

It was the smile she had when she knew she was about to kill, about to cause chaos. I had my own look, though it had alot less of a joking demonor to it. But we both know them when we see them, our looks are a way of communicating that me and Bailey learned growing up. A way to know we both were going to cause as much trouble as possible and then we would pull the trigger.

"Raven, are we going to do this just like in the good ol' days?"

"She wont know what hit her." I let a smirk grow on my face, I turned to Dean and held out my hand.

The metal resting in my gloved palm was refreshing, the gun he gave me months ago still nearly brand new. Although, it felt wrong, the gloves was covering me from people who knew me already.

I handed Dean the gun, my hands moving to my black, fingerless, leather gloves. I slipped them off, the air rushing to my bare hands.

I did not need them anymore, they were a way to hide myself from the world, to block people out. That time was over, there was nothing to hide ando nothing I wanted to hide. Rose was right when she said everything will fall into place, the gloves can come off.

When I had first gotten them I told myself a day like this would not come, they would stay on me even when I died. But here I am. There was an empty glass box in the corner, one of many that showed old nicknacks from Bailey's old life.

I held the worn out leather in my hands, Opening the glass gently as if it would shatter. Then, I placed them in, the air morphing around them as I closed the box again.

Everyone watched me while I did it, heartwarming smiles that make me know that I did the right thing. Rose was going to be safe, there would be no need to kill for anyone, or to wear gloves to cover the blood.

We were going to win our fight, our war will be over in only a couple of hours and when it is. Every assassin who never had a choice with Veronica will be free to do the right thing. We would all be able to wash our hands and not ever need to go to our own extents to get our own happy endings. 

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