Chapter 18: Last Chance

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Rose has not spoken to me since we argued, even when I had gone to visit she avoided me. It has been weeks now and I only had another week until the party. Another week until I had to kill Dean and run.

Today Dean was with his parents to finish off the plans for the party, leaving me alone. I was in the living room, the television playing some random news. But thoughts are flying through my head. Both Dean and myself both finalizing plans, his more enjoyable than mine.

This was my last chance to escape without doing anything, last chance to back out with nobody knowing. But I could not let somebody else kill him, it would be pathetic. I would never leave him in the hands of another assassin.

I was going to kill him. I had to kill him. But for now I have to put the final plan into place, I have to enjoy whatever time I have left with Dean until my bullet goes through his head. In a week I am going to lose the one person who I would trust my life to. Yet, he could never trust his with me. 

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