Chapter 6: The Cold

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Winter was always my favourite season, you could hide in plain sight, just behind the white flakes falling out of the sky. I could see Dean step out of his car within second and he hadn't yet noticed me in my white coat. I hated the shade on me, yet it gave me the opportunity to watch him without being seen quickly.

But Dean's hazel eyes were already looking at me when he stepped out of his vehicle. In the last month I had realized that he had a great tendency to always know when I am in his presence. He was also a very swift walker, especially in the snow because Dean was in front of me in seconds.

"Are you spying or just wanting to see me?" He had a small smile on his face as he put his hands in the pockets of his navy winter coat. The snow just started to fall in February, but the weather around here was always messed up.

"Why would you care?" He let out a soft laugh as his eyes made their way to my hands, I never wore full gloves. I was wearing my fingerless gloves, my fingers becoming cold as I laced them together to warm them up.

"Your hands look freezing Raven... Why do you not wear proper gloves?" His voice was serious which was fairly amusing to me. He still thought I was his friend, and a good one at that. Dean told me about his family. He told me about the party at the end of the year where he was going to take over the company. It was the best timing to kill him but I felt something grow in my throat everytime I thought about killing Dean and whatever it was, I didn't like it.

I shrugged at his question, but he already took out his gloved hands and wrapped them around mine. His foggy breath was blowing in my face and his hazel eyes found my blue ones. "What are you doing?"

"Warming you up... Also hoping to ask you to come to dinner with me? I was going to eat alone but you are here..." A flutter in my stomach made me nod quickly without thought, and as Dean kept one of my hands in one of his, he lead me towards the restaurant. He lead me out of the cold and out of the blanket of falling snow.

He lead us to a table, a table in the large room with strings of golden beads surrounding it to make it more private. I felt the flutter happen again, I hated the feeling even though I didn't know it. I hated the man pulling out my seat, I hated the smile on his face and all his money. I hated the romantic violin music playing in the background as waiters brought us some steak that Dean had ordered hours before. I hated the kind and warm feeling of the atmosphere. I want to leave this date and return to the cold.

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