Chapter 8: Training

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After Dean telling me about his secret work, I couldn't sleep for the week. I could not keep up with my targets because every time I would spot Dean ready to defend them. He somehow knew every target I was about to attack, he knew how I would try to get in. It only made me wonder how much studying her did on his 'anonymous' assassin.

Bree was not any better. She had constantly been bothering me to figure out why I had not gotten my jobs done. She still stuck to my secret boyfriend and according to Dean, she was right. He considered the dinner a date and my mind as only hoping that he didn't consider us dating yet.

Yet, as much as I threatened to kill her, Bree only kept calling me weak. She claimed I was afraid of running into trouble while on a job, or I was not strong enough to fight off other people so I only went for weaker and easier targets.

I only shook my head and walked away, dreading the time when training came around at the end of the week. There was no getting out of training. Mother expected me to practice every week and with Bree of all people.

Now I was holding the gun in my hand, taking shots at a dummy on the opposite side of the room. Bre stood beside me, missing all her shots then claiming that I was hitting them away with my own bullets. Truth was, I was so close to putting my bullet through her head instead of the dummies.

"You keep cheating!" Her voice was like a chipmunks, Bree was practically squealing. I cringed at her voice. It was nearly louder than the actual gun shot. I rolled my eyes at the sound of her voice earning a very sharp glare.

"Maybe you should try harder to aim rather than cry like a bitch..." Her eyes widened at my comment, I held back my laugh as she slammed her pistol on the platform in front of us. If I never kill this woman I would never be happy. I was so close to slitting her throat in her sleep.

"When you fuck up one day, I swear I will kill you for Aunt Veronica and, boy, will I enjoy that!" I let out my laugh that I was holding in, her eyes were daggers by the time we made eye contact and I knew that her glare wasn't sharp enough to even scratch me. She wasn't scary unless you were getting assassinated by her. I mean I would be afraid she would leave more evidence than a camera.

"What did my mother speak to you about last time?" Her glare only sharpened. I rolled my eyes at her silence, raising my arm straight beside me so my gun would face the shooting range. I pulled the trigger, Bree flinched. I knew I got the dummy right in the stomach. I then raised the gun only a little bit, another loud shot.

Her eyes were scared, I got the dummy in the head, right between the eyes. Fear was flickering in her blue eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. I let out a soft 'lame ass' when turning back to the target.

When I looked back to where Bree was, I saw nobody there but grabbed the fist that was swinging towards my head from behind me. The was a loud yelp as I twisted the pale wrist. Then came the scream as my pistol was already against the person's temple. I knew it was Bree, she was trying to prove she was better than me again.

"One more time and your body will be the next to be buried..."

"The last one was supposed to be Bailey..." I stopped myself from listening my grip. Nobody found Bailey's body. I looked ever since I was told that she died two years ago, me and Rose went crazy for months sending out search parties but nothing was found. Mother stopped us before we were able to search much more.

"One more word and I'm going to pull the trigger..."

"You sure you aren't going blood crazy too?"

That's what happened to Bree, she went blood crazy and got murdered on the job. Apparently she tried to kill somebody that worked for us as well. It was hard to believe because Bailey seemed fine before she went missing. She only said one thing to me before she died. I remember her in my room with Rose and I, she was telling us about how she nearly got caught by a target. But there was one thing that always stuck with me. She said something along the lines of her leaving, that she was gone.

Now I know what she meant, she was going bloody crazy. That her mind was already gone from what it had been. It was upsetting that I never got to say goodbye.

"One more time Bree... I will not show mercy next time, I promise." I dropped her so she fell on her knees. I stepped around her and headed to the door. Before I walked out I turned around, raised my gun and shot. I heard her scream before it hit.

The bullet hits the centre of the dummy, Bree had her hands over her head and her eyes were wide with shock. This one time I wished I did miss by that little bit.

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