Chapter 11: His Work

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Patrick Garrett, head of the mechanics industry. The Garrett company has been working with the LeClair's for years. Although my job was to kill Dean, I still had to kill others during the time of my preparations for Dean's assassination. Patrick Garrett was the head of the Garrett company and according to mother, I was to kill him to affect the LeClair's.

Patrick's mansion was bigger than Dean's, extra security was everywhere. Yet, they did not notice me sneak through the bushes. My footprints did not change much, they disappeared before I even lifted my foot. The snow was already melting anyways.

The windows were not locked, nor were any doors. Security does not protect your home well in this world but the powerful would always assume that putting somebody else in front of you will save your life.

The man was sitting in a reading chair, a novel in his hands when I walked into the room. He looked up, eyes widening like every person before him. They all have the same reactions but I could not hide the smile on my face when he tried to throw the book at me.

I raised my gun, pointing at his stomach. My finger rested on the trigger, but I did not pull it. I was hesitating, just the thought of my hesitation made me pull it. Made me shoot the man right in the gut so he would fall on the floor in front of me.

There was banging on the locked door now. I knew the voice screaming through the door and the sound of the lock being picked was just more proof that Dean was on the other side of the door that had just been pushed open.

He was holding a gun with perfect form, he had it pointed at me yet he did not know who I was. But the gun was enough proof that he would shoot if I did not leave quickly. I gave him a smile, he could not tell who I was with my hair in a tight bun and my face covered by a mask.

"Drop your gun and get to the floor!"

I fought back my laugh. He could not hear my voice, I would be caught if I spoke. I just shook my head at him, pointing the gun beside me, feeling the pistol press against Garrett's head. I pulled the trigger.

Dean's eyes widened in shock and terror. He was not much of an agent to not be able to handle just a little death. I was soon out the window and running down the street towards my car. Sirens were heard in the distance. I drove quickly towards my home.

Dean's face stuck in my head that night and I did not know how I was going to face him tomorrow knowing that I killed right in front of him. If this is what the next months until his assassination were going to kill me from the inside out. If I'm struggling to kill people in front of Dean, how hard will it be to kill Dean himself.

The worst part is, I am losing my guts. I would not be able to handle blood much longer. Maybe I will end up like Bailey.


"How did your job go today Raven? Suck out because you boyfriend was watching?" Bree was going again. Turns out our last training session did not shut her up long. I'm mentally cursing the fact that I did miss her head that one time. I am also regretting telling mother about what happened with Garrett earlier.

"I will not miss Bree."

"So you missed last time?" She had a shit eating grin on her face. I was happy nobody else was around to hear what I was going to say to her. Not that they would hear me anyways. My voice will never overpower someone else's. At least, not in a normal conversation.

"How much trouble do you think I would get in if I killed you stupid ass? You are lucky I listen to my mother..." She rolled her eyes and I quickly had a tiny blade in my hand. "The next time you threaten me or do anything to affect my mission, you will ask me to kill you."

"Keep dreaming, bitch." She spit as I held my blade on her throat, just hard enough to leave the tiniest cut. Her yelp made me pull back as he held her throat, I have always come so close to killing her but have yet to actually carry out her death.

"Fuck, I wish I could kill you. Too bad I have the life I have right?"

I walked away, putting my knife away in my belt. I felt Bree's glare in my back and for once, felt the daggers come close to piercing my skin.

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