Chapter 12: His Assumptions

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I had to face Dean today. This was only the first of many assassinations that he would have to witness until December. The only thing I feel good about is the fact that he did not recognize who I was, he did not know it was me who murdered in front of him. But, that still did not change the fact that he would talk to me about what he saw, make me remember the face that I work to forget.

Here he was, picking me up at our usual meet up spot beside the cafe. Normally we would drive to his home but today we made our way towards the city. The capital of Secretonovia, Secreto City. Lame name from lame people, the city was where the bog people lived. Assuming that the LeCLair family is one of the most powerful families of all time, they would live in the city.

"Where are we going?"

"Meeting my parents... I wanted to tell you something." He looked serious as he turned to me and grabbed my hands. He seemed to hesitate when he saw my gloves. Dean picked himself back up quickly though. "I saw the assassin last night. She killed a family friend named by the last name of Garrett... I need you to stay safe, I do not want her to get to you."

Play the game, that is my only choice right now. I have to play dumb. Be the girl he thinks I am. "Would she not have killed you if you were there?"

"I was surprised about that aswell. But she looked at me then left after killing Garrett. Like she was waiting for the right timi to kill me and trying to back me into a corner by killing my acquaintances... If I could protect you, I would be happy. But I will get to her before she gets me."

I looked out the window, I know he did not recognize me from last night. That he still though t he was going to protect me from myself. He does not know what he was walking into, the trap that I had set up for him. Myself as the bait.

"Do not get yourself killed." He gave a smile, something he seemed awfully fond of doing in times of worry for him. I'm not used to any sense of happiness unless I'm with him, I do not even know if it was happiness or just some other stupid emotion that I was raised to ignore.

It felt different than how I felt when I used to be with Bailey and Rose, how I feel when I'm with Rose now. It is even different from how I used to feel when I saw someone's life leave their eyes as my bullet went through their head. It was not a familiar feeling and although I finally decided that I liked it, it was not going to last.

Dean and his hunt for the assassin, I was right in front of him and if it came to it. He would not pull the trigger if he knew who was under that mask last night. Even I knew it was stupid to attempt to finish him off last night with that shadow of a human figure standing in the corner and watching me leave.

"You know, I could try to teach you how to shoot a gun..."

My eyes snapped to his hazel ones. This time they were competent serious, Dean was completely serious. But, I did not know weather to say yes or no. I would have to in order to keep up my act yet I could blow everything out of proportion if he were to see me work really well with a gun.

"I do not thin-"

"Please... Let me relax a little bit because I know you would be able to shoot a gun if you needed to." I felt that guilty gut feeling, the one I did not like. I did not want to disappoint him, but I was not supposed to like him on the level I did now.

He was a friend to me, someone that knew me. Yet he thought it was more, he had real feelings, some that I refuse to reciprocate. I was already second guessing and trying to9 find another way to get rid of him without pulling a trigger. But I had no way out. I never did.

"Alright... next week?" I hated myself. Hated him for making me feel bad for scaring him. I hated my life, I hated who I was as a person. I hated my jobs. I hated my family, my home, my looks. Everything. It was all of those things that made me struggle right now. That made me have to prepare to kill one of my only friends.

"Thank you. I'll plan it... um... do you want it to be only us or do you want me to bring my partner for work?" I had not looked back at him yet, but I'm sure I got whiplash from turning my head to look at the male sitting next to me. I do not want to have more people to kill before or after Dean. If I met his partner I would have to kill them too. "She was the one who taught me how to shoot, I'm sure she will be able to teach you."


"Nothing between me and her... the only thing is that, she will not tell you her real name and will probably cover her hair and face with something. She told me that there are people after her and that they are everywhere around here so I am the only person who knows what she looks like and her real name."

I nodded, looking back out the window. If his partner would not show her face or say her name means she was in real trouble from someone. But I have never heard of anyone being hunted down. She had to be someone who used to be an old culprit of the underworld. I was not going searching through information either.

"Alright..." Dean nodded, a smile back on his face and his hazel eyes looking out my window. I followed his gaze, finding the largest building in the city. I knew his parents lived there, their name was literally written on the glass building. I had never entered the LeClair building out of fear and disgust. But, now here I was about to walk into that building and meet Dean's parents as his girlfriend.

I did not know if it was barf or something else coming up my throat but I choked it down. There was no way I was staying here to have to kill them too. I not stupid not to know that if Dean was this nice then his parents had to be just as nice.

That's when it hit me. I was not expected to kill just Dean. Mother wanted me to kill the whole family, she simply thought that I was smart enough to figure it out myself. Otherwise, she would bring up the rest of the LeClair family's assassinations as another mission of a sort.

I understood how we lost Bree now. I understood how she felt. I also think that it will happen to me, I will lose it when I kill Dean. It has been set in stones, my mind will eventually escape the prison I set it in and I will kill everyone in the room after Dean, I would get myself killed right after.

Mother set me up from the day I was born, just as she did for everyone else. She made them kill for her then forced them to go insane for blood with one final huge job. She did it to all her assistants as well as Bree. Now, she decided it is time for me to go.

"Ready Raven?" I snapped back to reality as Dean opened my door for me in front of the LeClair building. Security was ready to escort us at the front doors. That question seemed to have more than one meaning. Was I ready to meet his parents? But, more importantly, was I ready to seal the deal on this mission?

"Yeah..." No. 

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