Chapter 22: Overreacting

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Bailey seemed to know me just as much as she used to. She knew when I was pissed even though I rarely show emotion. She shot a glare my way showing that she was more powerful than me in our situation. I glared back.

"I want her dead to Raven, but you are not just attacking the house." My sister had better be a psychic because she knows exactly what I am thinking. I just looked away from her, a snarl growing on my face. "Stop being stubborn for one second and learn how to take action the civilized way over the savage way."

"Fine, tell me Bailey, what is your amazing plan?" It was meant to be sarcastic but we all knew it was the truth. That was what Bailey was known for when we were growing up, her amazing plans. There was never a flaw, never a loophole. They just worked.

"We gotta make her know that you are done with her. That was what I did and I'm safe. She will turn to Rose who she does not know is a double agent. That is when Rose will give us a message telling us it is time. Then we will attack and take her as prisoner. If we are in a life or death situation, only then, we could kill her." The thought of me not being able to kill Veronica is causing my blood to boil. But still we will stop her.

There was a soft meow as a soft flap could be heard. I felt a furry tail wrap around my ankle as I looked down. There, standing and cuddling up to my ankle, is a black cat with big green eyes. She was adorable, kind. Like she was trying to calm me.

"That's Ebony... I got her a couple of months ago. She likes cuddling when somebody is upset." Bailey smiled down to her cat. I bent down, picking up the black furball and cradling it in my arms. I used to want a cat. Veronica would never allow it.

Ebony began to rub her cheek against mine giving me a lick with her tiny touge. She has to weigh at least five pounds, her fur was the softest thing I have ever felt in my life. Her eyes that are looking up into mine were so lively and happy. I hug her with everything I have, she is too cute to ignore.

"I think she likes you babe..." Dean came to rub Ebony's head, the cat purring as she relaxed into him. Bailey is talking, I can hear her voice but I also know that she knows that I'm not listening to a word she is saying.

"Raven. Hey, earth to Raven!" I blinked looking at my sister who had a smirk on her face. "I know my cat is adorable but time to focus on getting Rose and Veronica."

"Right..." I placed the cat on the floor, quickly the animal was jumping onto Bailey's desk and resting on her papers. "What did you say?"

"We are going to wait a week, keep in contact with Rose. Just enough time for Veronica to go to her and assign her her first targets, you and Dean. Rose, on our orders will say yes, then she will send us the message that lets us attack." I frowned, that puts Rose in more danger than necessary. But it was the only way so none of us gets killed but Veronica.

No, Bailey wants Veronica alive not dead, but she is in a different position than me. My plan is the same except for having to kill my ex mother. Rose will be freed from the hell that me and Bailey were.

If it were the last thing I do, I will make everything the way it was supposed to be, with no reason to kill as if we had one to begin with. No reason to betray the ones we love, and no way to regret what we have done.

"Let's do it..." I stuck out a hand to my sister to shake as if a way to mold what we have dented. SHe grabbed it, pulling me into her with an arm wrapping over my shoulders in a hug.

"It's good to have you back sis... this time we will do the right thing." I nodded, a hand clutching onto her shirt to not lose her again.

"The right thing..."

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