Chapter 17: Mother's Wishes

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Mother wished for me to visit her once every week to keep her up with my mission. At the end of the week I find myself back in the jail cell I grew up in, one that my,other called my real home. It was difficult to look at her when I knew I killed her niece and sister but at the same time it took off so much weight off of my shoulders.

She sat in her Norma, chair behind her desk a new assistant beside her. My guess is that she had the last one killed for betrayal or a mistake. Her face held no emotion like every other time I had spoken to her. Her values was unsettling and her voice was as sharp as a knife. "Bree and Corrinne killed last night during their mission. It is believed to be by LeClair security. We have gotten rid of the bodies and I am hoping you can avenge them when you kill Dean."

I tried my best not to choke on the words. The only reason I nodded was because I knew the saying. You will never feel the bullet if it is you that pulls the trigger. Killing Dean will keep myself out of her grip, give me the freedom to get Rose out of here and start over somewhere new. "Of course mother."

"Good... are you enjoying your stay with Mister LeClair?" Her eyes were searching for answers ones I made up that seemed realistic in her world.

"He is definitely what you said he was. He has a target on his back, money that could end up in our pockets when my job is done." I kept my void quiet, my eyes looking at the wall over her shoulder. I will never make eye contact not after the torture she is putting me through.

"When will that be?" As late ossicle, though it was not true. She knew when I was planning on finishing things. It was still August, the party is in December. Four months left. A quick four months before I shatter everything that made me happy. Befire

I walk out of the arena both a winner and loser.

"Four months mother." She nodded a smile growing on her face. She was proud of this, she had no regrets to having her own daughter take a man's life, not just any man either. But she does not known this, it's a secret I will die protecting from her ears.

"Very well. Go pay a visit to Rose before you leave if you wish. You can come back in a month." I nodded, turning to leave. I waked to Rose's room, the halls were quiet, morning in my aunt and cousin. But I was not missing their presence at all.

Rose was on her bed, my hidden computer moved to her room. Her face was bored, nobody to play against on her video games. I knocked softly, this making her jolt up but grin when her green eyes made contact with my blue ones. "Raven! You came to visit!"

"Yeah... though I wish I could get you out now." Her smile faltered slightly. Maybe it was my words but I felt as if she was waiting for something. I scanned the room, my eyes landing on the screen of the computer. It was not a video game, it was a messaging app. "What are you doing?"

"Making friends to talk to. They never know my real name but at least I have some kind of entertainment after mother banned me from missions temporality," she spoke calmly. As if she new there was never going to be a problem, as if she knew there was no way of getting caught.

"That's cool... I have been thinking about Bailey lately. Just so you know..."

"I miss her... does Dean have a computer?"

"I will find you when I get back. I already know your username. Don't think I didn't take a quick peek at your account." She let out a soft laugh before nodding. We had not hugged, only spoke.

When I left, her parting words had me shaken. "I talk to Bailey... every night."

"Don't speak to ghosts."

The next month I went back. Mother repeated herself, I felt more sick as I gripped Dean's gun. I felt more sick knowing that it was too late to save him. Three months and he would be dead, I would leave with my sister and restart or maybe I'll die with him.

Rose still claimed to be able to talk to Bailey. But everyone knew not to talk to spirits, bad could happen. But the girl still claimed that she was not talking to a ghost.

"You are not doing what you are supposed to Raven..."

"I'm sorry?" Just like our online conversations she spoke back. She talks like she knows what to do. Maybe she does... but it's my decision whether or not to listen. I love Rose, but she was talking to a ghost. She was trying to rewrite the ending that I planned for myself.

"You could stop working for her whenever, so why not?" I held back a soft growl, a sneer growing on my face. No way I was going to stop working for mother. I wanted to, but this was the only way to truly protect Dean. But that means I have to put on a new act, this one towards the people I grew up with.

As I left the room, my voice was cold towards her even as qished it not to be. But she was wrong and if this was how to get her to back off, then it had to be done. "If you want to keep telling me what to do with my life, you can leave me alone."

I never thought I would have cried so much in my life that night. I lay in my bed at Dean's house, silent tears falling down my cheek as I never received a goodnight message from Rose.

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