Chapter 15: Guns

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Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe my whole life was a bad idea. But, what can I do now? I'm stuck in this mess. Stuck in his car as we made our way to a shooting range. Stuck with our shoulders pressed together as the vehicle moved down the streets. Maybe these whole six months of knowing Dean had been a lie, just something to entertain myself.

Then the gun he handed me the second we got into the car. One with a 'R' and a heart engraved to the grip. A pistol made of the best silver Secretonovia could offer and the nicest leather. A gun that was now left in my hands, fully loaded. All it could take is turning off the safety and pulling the trigger. No aim needed to hit my mind's most wanted target.

When we pulled up to the range, the woman at the doors leaned against the frame. A black mask covering the top half of her face like one that should be used for a masquerade. A purple wig on her head as if she was trying to cover her hair. Her clothes were too similar to mine, only the leather pants and plain leather jacket were opposing.

Dean had helped me out of the car, leading me towards her. I continued to play the part of an innocent girl knowing if I had not that this woman would see right through me. But when she had spoke, I knew I had heard her voice. "Dean... this is her?"

"Yeah, the one and only... should we start getting to it?" The woman nodded, her eyes looking over me, I just followed them onto the building, gripping Dean's gun in my hand. In every mirror a murdered target of mine smirked, down halls I saw the ghosts of bodies lying in their dead position as if to remind me of their deaths.

"Alright Raven..." It was the woman who spoke as she turned around swiftly. Her aura is too familiar, like I have been in her presence before. "I'm B, Dean's partner..." I nodded. "You don't talk much do you? Fine..."

"B, nice?" Dean smiled at B, his hand now holding his own gun. The weapon already loaded and ready to shoot. B nodded, a familiar smile on her face.

I know her, I just cannot remember without seeing her entire face. But one wrong move and I would be dead before I could notice what happened. Her aura was familiar, one that was kind yet had an edge. An aura like what Bailey had had before she died. But B was not Bailey.

"Taking off of safety is easy, it's loading and unloading that is difficult besides shooting and aiming..." I tuned her out quickly, only listening in to know what she wanted me to do. Constantly I heard her claim that I was a natural.

That was until she brought me beside Dean, raining my arms to put me in a proper shooting form. I pulled the trigger. Accidentally I hit the middle of the forehead on the target.

His face was shocked, mine was holding a false blush. I had not done it on purpose but my finger still held the trigger, ready to shoot the chest. But B stopped me. He hand had lowered my arm and her face held a grin that could only be fake.

"Have you used a gun before?"

"No..." I shook my head, lifting the gun again to shoot and miss the target. I kept shooting, pretending to get the hang of aiming as B instructed me. Her aura was too familiar, her instructions were common. She reminded me of Bailey with her secretive personality and blunt, yet kind, words.

By the time we stopped, Dean was grinning, his shoulders less tense and his aura more calm. B seemed happy as I hugged Dean, as if she knew I was giving in. But, in my mind, I was fighting the need that my heart was begging for. My heart was in control now, the shadows in my mind were not as much in control.

The spirits laughed, laughed at my fear of doing what I am forced to do. The only words I heard were ones like, "we know you can do it" or "suck it up, you killed us so why not him."

"Raven, I want you to keep the gun. Use it to defend yourself..." B smiled, her nude lips curling in a genuine smile. She reminded me of Bailey, too much. As if I were seeing her ghost too.

"She's a natural, I would not be surprised if she were the hero in our story..." Those words, they were exactly what Bailey had said in the past as I congratulated her for a job. 'I would not be surprised if you were the hero in our story.' "Are you alright?"

I had not realized I was crying until she pointed it out. Then I felt the unfamiliar feeling of sadness, the feeling I had buried the sadness of Bailey's death a long time ago. I never cried since I heard she died, now I was here. Only a few tears falling down my cheek.

"Sorry... you remind me off my sister." B's smile fell, as if she knew what I was talking about. I found Dean's body embracing mine. His lips softly pushing against my own. When he pulled back, his voice was soft warming.

"Hey, it's okay..." I nodded, embarrassed for my breakdown but when I looked at B, her face was something of a mix of sadness and hurt. I do not know if I hurt her, or if she just felt bad but I gave her a smile. One that was genuine, one I have never given many people. A smile that made her relax and smile back.

"Maybe you want to go to dinner, ladies?" Dean laughed as he opened the door to his car. "I'm hoping to see bigger smiles on your faces."

"Dean, you never fail to stop looking happy. It makes me think you are a spawn of an angel or something." I let out a laugh as B turned away from us. "Raven gets me. But you know I cannot join you for your fancy dinner. I have some work to do..."

"I'll see you later then B!" B nodded as she walked away, I smield as I got into the car.

This was confusing. My feelings were going haywire. I knew I would never be happy and calm like this at my house, not with mother around. I know that Dean and his family and friends are the people I'm supposed to be with but it is not possible from my place in life. I cannot change, I cannot change fate.

The only thing that is clear to me now was what I wanted, what I was fighting against since I net Dean. I lost the war against my heart because now my mind also knew... I am in love with Dean LeClair. I am in love with my target.

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