Chapter 4: The House

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Three days, it only took three days for Dean to completely trust me. For somebody like him, rich and a constant target, he  shouldn't be trusting me so easily. But he talked to me like he knew me from birth, it sickens me. His trust issues got me stuck visiting his home for the day.

So now here I was sitting in his pretty little car as his personal driver drove us to his home just on the edge of the city. The place where all his secrets were kept. I guess you could say that this put me at an advantage, having the ability to search though his household for things that nobody would know. THat would be the only reason why I even agreed to this stupid visit.

"So there are a couple of servants here or there but I avoid having many..." He had a smile on his face as he spoke to me, unknowing of how I paid barely any attention to his words.

"Pretty rich aren't you?" I turned to the window, even to him I didn't speak louder than normal. It seems that Dean was used to it by now a he kept talking and eventually I tuned him out. His useless rich guy crap wasn't important to me.

"We're here, Raven..." Those words brought me back, seeing him step out of the car when the driver opened his door, then making his way to mine and helping me out. I could get out perfectly well myself, I wasn't one of those women that fell for hopeless romantics. But I let him help me out anyways, still holding my act and pretended to like him. I just said a quick 'thank you' in response.

He gave a friendly nod and kept my hand in his as he lead me towards the front of his massive home. It looked almost like a mansion but about half the size. A huge oak door sat in the front with matching garages and windows, they stood out with the dark roof compared to the light colour of the rest of the house. It was luxurious and beautiful, nothing like where I grew up on the opposite side of the city.

"Nice place..." One of the only truths I have told him since we met. Once one of his butlers opened the front door for us, I was surprised to see the inside even more stunning than the out. Crystal chandeliers, and soft carpets, leather benches and a huge flat screen tv in the enormous living room.

"Thanks... I couldn't live with my parents forever." he lead me through the home, maids bowing to us as we occasionally passed them as they worked. But my eyes were searching the home, any other facts about Dean could give me even more of an advantage when I needed to kill him. 

"Do you enjoy cooking?" I let out a soft laugh, if he knew that I had a personal chef he would laugh. But he showed me to the kitchen without an answer. The place was huge and he seemed to know where everything was as he pulled out pots and boxes of pre-packaged noodles. Did he think I was going to cook with him?

"Come help..." Shit. I haven't even touched a stove in my life. But I had to keep up my act, so I came up beside him. Watched as he filled the pot with water and set it to boil as he set up another to make sauce. Then he turned to me, a smile on his face when he asked me to take care of the sauce.

"I don't know how to cook..." He turned to me with a soft smile but I could see the surprise in his eyes. I was part of a rich family but I was not rich myself. Mother only let me use the servants but not the money, I would get paid based on who I killed and their importance to her. This meant that I would be getting everything when I kill Dean but until then I would probably be getting very little money. "I have a chef at home."

"Are you rich?"

"No, only mother is. I have to make my own money..." He gave me a smile that made him look sorry for me, I didn't want his pity. Not everyone got their parent's business just because they were born.

"Let me teach you then." He came closer to me, our arms touching as he grabbed a wooden spoon and began mixing the sauce. You were supposed to turn it every now and then, letting it boil and taste it occasionally to make sure it tastes right. It didn't seem too hard. So I did as told, but I still watched his every movement, studying the man beside me.

I don't get why I'm letting him teach me how to make food. I'm going to forget about it after I kill him. This next however long time we would be spending time together will only lead up to his assassination and I'm going to be looking forward to when I'll see his dead body lying in front of me in a pool of blood. But for now I have to put up with pretending to get along with him.

I tasted the sauce, it tasted normal. So I took it off the heat, seeing Dean drain the water out of the noodles then grabbing the sauce from me and putting it in the pot. He seemed to know what he was doing and in a matter of minutes, I watched him put it on two separate plates, smiling as he grabbed two forks and brought it all to an outdoor table in his backyard.

This man had way too much money. He had a pool, large patio, and acres of land beyond that. It makes me think of how much I would take when he's dying at my feet. There was no way he paid for this on his own and the land itself was probably a twentieth birthday gift from his parents.

I hadn't noticed that I had been staring until I heard Dean's voice snap me out of my trance. "It's beautiful isn't it? My mother and father bought the land for me for my twentieth birthday and I decided to build a house on it."

I already knew him, I knew his parent's bought the land. There was no doubt that it was theirs. The LeClair family owned half the land in the country since three years ago, the rest was owned by the current government. 

"Stunning." I sat down across from him, eating the food without making eye contact with Dean. He was clearly staring and seemed to have no sense in hiding it. I shifted uncomfortably, but kept eating like I hadn't noticed. But he never stopped staring, he just watched me with those unusually kind hazel eyes that I wanted to rip out for just looking me in the eye when I looked up at him.

"Sorry, you're just different from the other people I have met." I raised an eyebrow, he knew I was different towards him already. I just don't want to kill him earlier than I should because of his own curiosity. But the man knew how to study people, he seemed to be looking into my soul as he gave a warming smile.

"How is that?"

"You're simple, understanding. You aren't pushy or loud. You're just different, and kind, and beautiful. I don't know but I trust you, Raven." He had confirmed that my plan was working. I wasn't kind to him, I wasn't understanding or simple. But his last compliment was what threw me off guard. What did he mean by beautiful? If he only knew that the person who he was calling beautiful and trustful was going to be the one to end his life. It made me smile at his stupidness. He, just like every other rich man before him, thought they were safe just because they had security. What false truth that was.

But for the rest of the day, he somehow had me stay with him, just to hang out. It wasn't comfortable but at least he carried on conversation rather than making me talk. But once the clock hit four o'clock, I left. Dean had his driver drop me off where we met up earlier to pick up my car.

When I got home, mother was waiting to greet me instead of my bratty cousin. It might have been just me, but she did not look happy. But I never got in trouble my entire life, seeing the very unemotional look on her face told me that today was going to be the day I finally do get in trouble.

So I got out of my car and walked up to her with the same expression. "Good afternoon mother."

"Raven, I'm not happy at the moment so don't think that you can just say good afternoon and walk away." I winced at the sternness in her voice. I knew this was not going to be fun but putting up with it would be easy. I have a shrug and turned to her, my blue eyes looking into hers. "Bree told me everything."

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