Chapter 21: Another Truth

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It turns out that even Rosana and Alexander also knew all the truths hidden from me. Bailey had told them about my mission before I even knew it myself. They all saw it coming, except Dean. He was told after he had fallen for me, but still he knew before I did.

"There is one thing that you deserve to know sis... about your birth parents." I was sitting in an extra seat, Dean has his hand resting on my shoulder as I look up at my sister who searched through her computer.

The screen behind her flickered on. Her computer screen shone on it, this showing two pictures, each of a different individual. Both had black hair but one had green eyes, the other blue. Raven knew they were he birth parents she looked like them, mostly like the male face.

"Victoria and Blake Collins... Raven these are your real parents, they worked for the LeClair company."

"They were very close friends of ours, Victoria was in my bridal shower..." I frowned, I could have grown up with Dean, I could have had a decent life.

"The year you were born, that was when Veronica struck, nobody knows why. Most say it is because she was in love with Blake and he pushed her away. Apparently she wanted children with him but she could not have children anyways. But though that fact was confirmed nobody knows what pushed her to go murder him, his wife, his coworkers. The only one she was willing to let live was his daughter, the two month old who was named Angel."

I let out a laugh, something I could not hold back but the name is surprising. Raven's are bad omens and yet my birth name was Angel. It is ironic that Veronica would change my name to something of evil.

"Funny, I know. But, your name was changed to Raven. She never told you of where you came from and fed you lies. Raven, you grew up on lies and I am sure you can guess what she was planning to do to you when you finished your mission." My glare at the large screen could kill. Everything I knew was a lie until I found the truth until I found the hidden path in the forest of my mind.

It was nobody else who had brought me to this point. The point that I knew was coming all along. The craziness that was slowly crawling on me. I am going to get Rose out of there.

Then, Veronica will die. My parents will be avenged. The shadow hovering over my relationship with Dean will disappear. The darkness chaining me to assassination and murder will be assassinated by its own prey.

The storm had arrived. The war had really begun. This was going to be the start of what could be my demise, Dean's and my sister's demise. But it won't be. No, with me now in control of my own will and fate, I will make sure the right people die. 

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