Chapter 9: The War

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Between mother and Dean, I knew every fact about the new war between my family and the LeClair's. Mother constantly reminded me to keep on track while getting close to the male. You know that "keep your friends close but your enemies closer" crap? Yeah, I have that line memorized and burned into my brain for the last two months. Mother seemed to know every fact that I knew before I went to her about it, and, although, she claimed to have someone reporting my status to her, I knew she was lying. They all lie to me. Everyone but Rose and Bailey. But Bailey was gone, and I had to keep Rose out of trouble to protect her like I couldn't with Bailey.

Dean was a different story completely. He told me every secret fact about his job as an agent. He told me everything but the names of the other people who worked with him. I didn't care, I had been slowly losing my joy of killing. He told me that he was planning on going after his 'foreign' assassin. I have to admit, it did make me hesitate a little bit. If he caught me it would be the end of everything. If he caught me in the act, he would know it was me. I never covered my whole face, if he saw me he would be able to know who it was underneath the bandana covering the bottom half of my face.

That was our war. I was a double agent, and I was only beginning to comprehend the dangers I was stuck in the middle of. I was just noticing the threats thrown at me every time mother warned me about failing. I was just recognizing the subtle signs of romantic interest that Dean was throwing at me. I wouldn't run away from the danger. I wouldn't throw threats back at mother. I couldn't return the romantic feelings that Dean had.

So here I am, on another date with my new 'boyfriend'. I did not know whether to throw up or enjoy my part time freedom. I was out of mother's grasp whenever I'm with Dean. I'm away from Bree, and killing. In the back of my mind I knew I had to kill him by December. Yet, it was still only March. I had until December eighth to get close to Dean. To bask in my new found freedom.

We were at his home again, sitting under the large oak trees and basking in the shade that they supplied. Dean had taken out some biscuits and chocolate cake, that he claims he made himself. I believe him, I saw the mess he left in his kitchen. But he had also brought wine. Red wine.

It looked like blood. But I nearly hurled when Dean spilled the wine on his white dress shirt. It covered him like a wound would with blood. I do not understand what makes me so sick every time I think about assassinating him. It was like seeing the future yet for some reason I could not handle the thought of his death.

"Agh! Raven! I have been shot! Take care of my family for me!" Dean fell backwards, a hand on the wine that spilled on his shirt. He was pretending to be shot, an attempt to make a joke out of his current situation. But I could not muster a smile, I could not find the familiar joy in seeing blood even though I knew it was only wine.

Dean saw my unemotional expression and sat up, his bright smile faltering. His hazel eyes met my blue ones, they searched for something. Probably something I could not give. But Dean still spoke. "Not funny was it..."

"Sorry..." I did not know why I would apologize but it was his saddened expression that made me blurt out the word before I knew what I was saying, before I knew what I was thinking. Dean still looked into my eyes, like he was reading my soul and learning all my secrets. I looked away, I felt the butterflies fill my stomach again. I had gotten use to them, I am beginning to enjoy the feeling.

"Raven... look at me..." I could not stop myself from making eye contact, his hand was caressing my cheek like it was the most expensive piece of bone china. "Nothing is going to happen to me. I have guards around me at all times, I am a secret agent so I know how to use a gun if I needed to and... and I know that I, myself, will find this assassin and kill them before they could kill me."

If only he knew who the assassin is. Who I am. I knew he was going to come after me, not knowing what to expect but still run at full speed until he hits a wall. He is not experienced, not like I am. He does not know what it feels like to have another person's blood on his hands. He would remember every face that he may kill. Unlike me, who forgets the name the second my target dies.

I do not know how I am going to forget Dean. I am not sure I will be able to. He is different. He does not seem scared of the fact that there is an assassin coming after him. Then there was a buzz, a loud vibration that made Dean jump.

"What is that?" Dean smiled at me, showing his watch that just lit up to show the time. 5:00 pm, we both got up. He had already told me earlier that he had a meeting that night at five thirty, so I had made my own plans to find a new mask when I left his home. It was my chance to avoid him for as long as possible.

"My alarm... I wish this could go on longer, Raven. But I have a meeting with my parents and some other people I don't know." He laughed as he cleaned up our mini picnic and we walked together towards the doors and to the car that would take me out to the town where my car was parked.

"Yeah... I have to get some things done at home anyways..." He smiled and bent down to give a kiss on the cheek. I fought back my blush before he pulled away and let me get into the car. "I'll see you later, love."

I closed the door leaving Dean blushing on his driveway, wine still on his white shirt. As I watched im grow smaller in the distance I realized, this war is going to be a hard one to fight than I thought.

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