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The book we are going to review today is The Rose That Bloomed In Augustine by Viola130831 

Now first these are the basics.

Book Name: The Rose That Bloomed In Augustine

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Book Name: The Rose That Bloomed In Augustine

Author's account name:  Viola130831

Main Characters: Damon and Stefan Salvatore, Melanie Salvatore, Katherine Pierce


In everyone's life there are secrets. Some are exposed while some are hidden and then there are those dangerous secrets which no one dare even think about. One such secret was the existence of Melanie. She was pure, she was sincere, she was a fresh bloomed rose and yet she was linked to the one and only Damon Salvatore. A link which was hard to be severed, a link which dated back to the most horrible time period of his life; the Augustine.

Read to find out about the life of Melanie Salvatore, a girl who struggles through fate, love, disasters, truth and enmities. Being related to the Vampire World's renowned Bad Boy leads to a lot of hazards, trust me. But in order to survive, hardships like these must be faced with courage. Because at times life doesn't leave you another choice.

Chapter Count:  55 up till now


Now let's get on with the review!


1. The Title:

I think that is okay since it isn't a basic set of keywords and holds some significance to the story.

2. The Cover:

The color theme is lightly dull but I guess it's fine that way. Simple yet elegant.

3. Concept:

It was different so I liked it. I liked the fact that the cliche setting for Damon's daughter wasn't used instead a whole set up was created in Augustine.

True, the author has mixed up the timeline but it's just really slight because only the Augustine experiments have been set in late 1980s instead of 1950s but other than that everything has a story line of its own but the author has mentioned it in the beginning so that's exactly what is to expect.

4. Review (includes Summary too):

The character is Melanie Salvatore who is Damon's daughter. Her mother was a human enslaved at Whitmore college where Dr Whitmore and his fellow scientists used her to experiment on human vampire reproduction. So the child, Melanie, is basically a hybrid that was created due to illegal scientific measures.

[The author has explained and justified the reason as to how Damon had a daughter, so I really have no problem with that aspect].

Then Melanie turns up on her father's doorstep (same old cliche), but instead of the whole you're my Dad thing, she is just a wounded three year old who has no idea who they are and is quite badly wounded.

[I do not want to spoil the story for others but I guess this is crucial: the kid lived with Katherine ever since she was born and her mother had died. Though how she came in Kath's possession, you'll have to read the story to find out].

The Salvatores take her in after a lot of consideration and a nice old chat with the Sheriff about the girl's parents and stuff to which no one gets any answers. And then when no other way is left, the Salvatores adopt her as their sister.

[I really appreciate how the effects of child abuse had been done justice though. The author has depicted the kid as slightly slow and easily afraid by even the most random of things, broken glass or scattered items terrify her to death and she has nightmares. Not saying that child abuse is preferable in stories, no. I'm just stating that it was portrayed realistically].

She gets schooled and taken care of and all that normal stuff which you people are familiar of. Kid is happy with her new life and adores both her adoptive brothers.

And then when she's ten Damon and Stefan have a massive argument which results in Damon kicking Stef out of the house (well the story is before the brothers came to Mystic Falls, I just forgot to mention that) and Mel has to choose between them. Being close to Damon she picks him and we lose track of Stefan for a good long number of chapters.

From then onwards, the happy happy element of the story dies away since Stefan leaving and Damon's anger has a bad effect on the child. 

[I guess that was quite expected. She's just a kid who is forced by Damon to believe that Stefan has gone and won't come back and pretty much never existed in both their lives].

Story proceeds on from there until she is seventeen. Living with Damon has had a lot of influence on her and she is kinda the mini version of the hothead Salvatore. Though the author has not avoided the long term adverse effects of living with a vampire like Damon.

And from then on, something happens (which I'm not telling you guys) which results in Damon tracking Stefan and moving back with him.

And also, I am not telling you whether the kid finds out that Damon is her father or not or whether Damon realizes that because that would indeed be a major spoiler.

The story from then on is pretty interesting with a suspense keeping twist of events but the author has not updated more than 55 chapters so I have no idea what would come next.

What I think:

It's a good story. And since it has been narrated in third person point of view, the reader can have access to the full picture instead of just getting the biased version from the OC. The timeline doesn't create much trouble here so I would leave that out (obviously there's room for some improvement though since I didn't quite get what Elijah is doing in there but still I hope the author explains in the upcoming chapters).

I loved Melanie Salvatore. I really like the fact that the author started slow at first with her letting readers to get to know her as a child, establishing each character development slowly but steadily, and then proceeding gradually to her adulthood. The reasons behind decisions she makes have been justified and make sense, her personality is close to a realistic one and I'm pretty sure I would have done the same which she did had I been in her position. 

And I loved her sarcasm. Constant proof of her being Damon's daughter.

Especially the scene where she catches Damon red handed with Elen--- Oooops sorry, might have let it slip. 

Anyhow it was quite good as compared to the cliche ones I have come across.


If you people are looking for a different concept and plot on the whole Damon's daughter, Salvatore sister and living with the Salvatore themes, then this is the book for you.

P.S Congratulations Viola for winning the Discovered Gem award by Witty Feeds. Plus your book makes a nice coffee time read. I absolutely consumed such a lot of coffee while reading it because it was night time and I had to stay awake since I couldn't get time in the morning.

 I absolutely consumed such a lot of coffee while reading it because it was night time and I had to stay awake since I couldn't get time in the morning

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