Part 5: Dealing With Writer's Block

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Of course there comes a time when all of us experience this. Either authors lose the inspiration to write or they are stuck in a situation knowing not what to do with their story next.

What exactly is Writer's Block?

Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years.

[Definition credits go to Wikipedia].


Now this part has been designed to give some ideas on how to cope with Writer's Block. Mostly, these ideas work (they have done so for me) and I am sharing them with you people so that you could also test their effectiveness.

If, however, you can not overcome your Block through these ideas / tips, then I advise you to temporarily leave that work / story / book and start a new one. And after a while when you regain inspiration, you can start working on it again.

Best of luck and Happy Wattpading!


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