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So this isn't actually a chapter but well, I thought I may as well share one tip with you guys which can help your stories go a long way and be unique as well.


Whenever we look at fanfictions, we always see some new characters inserted into the fandom's universe and there are really few fics on existing characters.

Having OCs isn't bad but having real common/cliche OCs such that you can find every other book with a character of the same personality/family/relationships gets pretty annoying.

All of us have really awesome ideas when it comes to writing and all of us want these ideas to get recognized. But the thing is that when people start writing the same thing over and over again, books of the same ideas get cramped so it's more than likely that your book gets ignored just because there are so many other stories of the same type.

To avoid this, what you have to do is be a little different.

And how can you be different?

Well, in an all yellow painting with a yellow background, yellow foreground and a solitary red tulip in the middle, which thing you're going to notice first? The red tulip, obviously. And the reason is that it stands out and you immediately notice that yeah this is different.

The same thing happens with stories.

To make your story different is not that hard at all. All you need is an awesome idea (which many of us have in plenty), a good setting and most important of all a good main character.

But instead of making up an OC why don't you try and search the TVD fandom for underrated characters? 

You know very well that TVD doesn't only consist of Elena, Damon, Stefan, Jeremy, Bonnie, Caroline, Klaus, Elijah etc etc. We all know that there is a wide variety of side characters you can choose to turn into your main character. 

There are also many advantages of doing that. First and foremost, you have a 100% chance that no one else has ever written about them so obviously your work stands out.

Then of course, underrated characters are often not mentioned much in the books/TV shows so you have as equal an opportunity to expand on their character as you have while making up an OC.

You also step out of the cliche zone and your work is considered as refreshing and one of a kind.

There are many people out there who want to hear stories of these underrated characters. Many of us have gotten bored of The Other Doppelganger, The Lost Salvatore and The Forgotten Mikaelson stories. What we want is some fanfics containing Emily Bennett or Grams in their early life, Vicki Donovan finding someone who actually cares about her, Henrik's life before he was killed and his bond with his family, Esther and Mikael's story, Hayley's story and the list can go on forever.

You can still insert OCs if you want because it is in no way necessary for your underrated character to just end up with another canon character. Think a bit out of the box. You can have a Camille x OC story where OC comes to be counseled by her and he/she falls in love with her.

You can have a story about Isobel Saltzman x OC whom she met after transitioning into a vampire and he/she helps her sort  out her life.

You can have a John Gilbert x OC story based on John's college life. You can simply do anything. It's your story and you can mend it in any way you want to.


And if you are thinking about following this tip, you can consider a few examples down below:

Tyler Lockwood

Matt Donovan

Vicki Donovan





Freya Mikaelson

Henrik Mikaelson

Finn Mikaelson

Jenna Sommers

Alaric Saltzman

Isobel Saltzman


Emily Bennett

Davina Claire

Camille O' Connell

Meredith Sulez/Meredith Fell

And there are such a lot others which I might not have mentioned because even I do not know much about all of them.


I recommend you to check out Underrated 'The Vampire Diaries' And 'The Originals' Characters by GhostLoveWriter

It is a book consisting of a lot of underrated characters and their back stories and you can find inspiration to write for these characters from that book. It's great by the way and I really appreciate the author's hard work into searching out the stories of these characters and presenting them neutrally to the audience.


Hope this was helpful.

See you soon.

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