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The book we are going to review today is The Broken Gilbert by thegirlinyocloset25

  Now first these are the basics.  

Book Name: The Broken Gilbert

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Book Name: The Broken Gilbert

Author's account name: thegirlinyocloset25

Main Characters: January Gilbert, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett


Meet January Gilbert.

She is the little sister to Elena Gilbert and the older sister to Jeremy Gilbert.

When her parents die in a car accident over the summer how will she cope? And can she return to the same girl that she was once was?

But when her sister meets the hot and mysterious Stefan Salvatore along with his blued eyed, raven haired older brother, How will she accept their secret along with one of her own?

Read to find out.

Chapter Count: 50 up till now


Now let's get on with the review!


1. The Title:

The title collaborates with the theme of the story so that is quite okay.

2. The Cover:

The cover is amazing. It has the dark element in it which is further described in the story. The black background seems a perfect choice for the picture used in the foreground.

In short the cover conveys what the story must be about and that is one of the greatest achievements of having a good / appealing cover.

3. Concept:

The concept was different and unique. When I started reading the book, it seemed pretty normal to me about siblings who are trying hard to keep themselves together after their parent's death but when the story unfolds and January discovers hidden secrets, it was then that it all took an interesting term.

I loved it how both the doppelganger concept and the hunter legacy were combined in this book. It is definitely a thumbs up from me.

4. Review (includes Summary too):

I will try to summarize as much as I can without spoiling the story.

The story begins after the death of Miranda and Grayson Gilbert. In the starting chapters an appropriate picture of the Gilbert siblings is painted and the author has highlighted the ways in which each of the now orphaned Gilberts are coping with the situation.

[The way the author has portrayed the Gilberts deserves appreciation. It is quite realistic and for once I really wanted to give a big thumbs up to the author for portraying Elena as accurately as possible. This is by far the only story I have read yet in which Elena is portrayed quite like how she is in the books. She doesn't have that bitchy vibe about her and it is so refreshing to see that].

January (face claim: Selena Gomez) is devastated from her parent's death too but she hides it well unlike Jer who has taken up drugs. Elena is shown as very careful and protective for both of her siblings and it is understandable why she acts like a mother hen all the time. January however is a balance between Jeremy and Elena and that is why Jer refers to her as the better sister.

And then Stefan and Damon move to Mystic Falls. And the story proceeds from there. January and Stef become best friends (their friendship is like GOALS), Jan meets Damon, there is a founders party, the Vicki Donovan accident and so on.

In the meanwhile, she is caught up in a web of conspiracies regarding her true identity and her hidden powers.

[I know the summary is real vague but I am not telling any more since that would be a major spoiler, so if you really want to find out what happens next, go give it a try].

What I think:

First and foremost, I loved January Gilbert. Especially her name.

Her character is realistic and the portrayal is really accurate. The author has done a good work on the character developments of every single character in the story and it is understandable how a few characters act a certain way in this book.

Everything has been explained quite clearly by the author and that is another bonus point.The concept of hunters and Katherine's blue eyed sister is very original and I liked it.

Overall, this story was very refreshing and unique and I had real fun reading it. I have not yet read it completely since there are a lot many chapters in there but it's worth it.


If you are looking for a good fanfiction on the Gilberts, then this is the story for you. Moreover, it also gives a clear insight on every character's feelings and that is what makes it stand out.


Your story is amazing thegirlinyocloset25

Keep up the good work and I am really looking forward to finishing this one then reading the sequel.

P.S it is quite appreciative the way you keep readers guessing and hold the suspense throughout the story. I liked it that you haven't announced who January would end up with in the first few chapters, like most people do.

Best of luck and your story really deserves a great round of applause.

Best of luck and your story really deserves a great round of applause

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