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I don't know if I had mentioned it earlier or not but this part of the book is going to contain my rants as well so you'll have to put up with that. And if you don't want to, that's okay, you can skip it. 

It's not like I'm binding you to the Sun and Moon curse if you don't read it.

So anyways...

Today's rant is about ships in TVD. I'm going to rant about all the ships that I like, and also those which I don't. If I criticize someone's OTP, then sorry in advance.

When we are talking about fandoms and fans, the first question that rises is what is your OTP? Or rather which couple do you ship and which couple you don't.

In TVD Fandom, the major question is... Stelena or Delena?

And in this chapter, I'm gonna talk about my opinions on ships so let's get on with it!

[Comment your OTP in the comments. I have tried to include all the ships that I knew existed. If I have missed anything then do let me know].

Firstly, it might seem funny to you but I have a different sort of ship preferences for the books and the shows.

In the TV Show Vampire Diaries, I am a Stelena shipper. While in the books I am a hardcore Delena shipper. I have my reasons for it. In the show Stefan was so underrated that you just can't help but feel sorry for him.

While in the books, the writer made pretty clear that Stefan and Elena were a happy couple and Damon was just butting in. And that wasn't the case. To be honest, I haven't read all the books and only got the chance to read The Return: Shadow Souls and a few chapters of The Awakening. And in the books (especially in Shadow Souls), I literally fell in love with Damon Salvatore.

So, in the books I'm a big Delena shipper.

Proceeding towards the other ships. 

Daroline: Honestly, I don't ship it and I do not approve of it either. Damon and Caroline's relationship was kinda abusive since he kept using her as a blood bag. Abusive relationships should not be romanticized so I don't see any reason for it to happen.

Steroline: Uh... Tough question. Stefan is quite nice and he and Caroline would make a great couple but the problem is that it just seems a bit far fetched for me. In the books, Caroline was portrayed as a queen bee who took it as a mission to conquer the heart of the mysterious Salvatore. In the shows she's different but either way, I do not ship it.

Klaroline: Now that is what you call an interesting ship. Klaus and Caroline have every element of an intriguing couple in them. Even though many people think it's cliché due to the bad guy and good girl thing, but I still consider it as an OTP. Caroline was not entirely a good girl and neither is Klaus all monstrous. I loved those scenes in which they had Klaroline in the show especially the Decades dance (guess that's what it was called). To cut a long story short, Klaroline slays.

Forwood: Nah, not a big fan.

Maroline: Despite me being a Klaroline shipper, I still believe a lot in Maroline. Both of them looked so cute together and Matt, being the protective caring person that he is, totally deserves Caroline. And when Caroline sang Eternal Flame... I got a severe case of the feels.

Caroline and Alaric: Nooooo... It is one bad idea. The only good thing that happened from this ship was Josie and Lizzie. But otherwise I don't ship it. Ever since the concept of Care and Ric was introduced, I had said it's one really bad idea and I still do. It doesn't make sense.

Bamon: In the best friends point of view, I'm okay with it. But as a romantic couple I just can't imagine it happening.

Kalijah: Well that ship was canon and existed so... Not much of an opinion on it. But I will say that if Elijah and Kath got together way earlier and Klaus stayed out of the picture then Kath would have been a totally different person. And even though I prefer badass Katherine over goody two shoes Elena, still I would have loved it if Kath got a happy ending that way.

Datherine: Damon and Kath would have been a real interesting couple, both being daredevils and rebels and I kinda low-key shipped it earlier. However when I found out about how Kath was cheating on both the brothers... Then my opinions changed.

Steferine: Same as with Datherine. But Kath and Step being a couple just doesn't have an appeal to me.

Jeremy and Bonnie: Ship it. Jeremy is such a smolbean who was always misunderstood and Bonnie is the best person for him.

Jeremy and Vicki: Nope, nope, nope.

Matt and Elena: Ummm... Perhaps? But still I think they would be better as close friends.

Jalaric: Ship it! If I could get two people together from all these shops, they would definitely be Jenna and Alaric. Jenna is such a sweet person and Alaric obviously deserves better than that Vampirism-infatuated-cheating-behind-husband's-back Isobel.

Debekah: I can't decide yet. Damon and horrible to her or rather that's what I like to think. Rebekah is a queen and she deserves a lot better.

Lexi and Stefan: Close friends is fine. Romantic couple, not happening.

Stebekah: Ship it.

Halijah: Don't really know.

Klamille: Camille is a really great person and I respect her for her opinions on Klaus. So I low-key ship it. But nothing can overcome the passion I have for Klaroline.

Benzo: Ship it.

Carenzo: I don't know yet. Enzo is real nice and so is Caroline but I would prefer seeing Enzo with Bon Bon and Caroline with Klaus.

And these are all the ships I could think of. If I missed any, let me know in the comments.

And if you have kept sending this until now, then a great many thankyous. 🍫 And you may have a chocolate as a present from me. 🍫 Too bad, I can only send emojis not the real bars.

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