DON'T NO 12: Character Bashing

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One of the infinite things which can ruin an awesome story is Character Bashing. Many of us are not quite clear on what exactly is character bashing. 

Let me clear some concepts here.

You all think that when a character is bashed, it is usually because of these two reasons: 

a) Either author hates said character.

b) Or OC hates said character. 

But... There is a vast difference between an author hating a canon character and an OC hating a canon character.

How, you're going to ask?

Pretty simple. 

If an author hates a canon character, then the case for OOC syndrome applies fittingly. 

And if an OC hates a character then the case is slightly different. OC would think said character is bad / evil / bitchy etc etc but that character is not necessarily portrayed negatively, it is just the OC's opinion that gives this impression.

Character bashing however arises from the first option. That is, the author's hate.

As discussed in the OOC Syndrome chapter, character bashing can do a great harm to your story.

Of course I understand that not all people fall in love with all the canon characters. Some of these characters tick us off even if there is nothing wrong about them (according to the original author's portrayal). 

And in the Vampire Diaries fanfictions, a lot of characters are bashed by the authors such that it seems as if they were reborn with the villain's mind or something.

Characters mostly bashed are Elena, Rebekah, Caroline, Tyler, Jeremy, Matt, Mason Lockwood, Alaric, Lexi, Jenna, Enzo, Rose, Andy, Camille, Hayley etc etc, the list could go on forever.

I don't get why authors hate these characters so much but then, it's their opinion, who am I to mess up in it?

Hate a character if you want, hate him / her with a passion but don't do injustice to the poor character.

But the case is entirely different if your OC hates said character. I am not preventing you from doing that. If Jeremy's girlfriend hates Elena, then so be it. Don't portray Elena as a bitch but you can easily show the dislike between the two by their thoughts and views.


For example: (I know this isn't a Harry Potter book, but I am going to use this example anyways), I love all Harry Potter books, am an obsessed Potterhead and my friends call me the Potter Encyclopedia. But even I have my dislikes within the Potter universe.

I hate Ginny Weasley. I EFFING HATE HER. And let me tell you, there is no particular reason for that. I know most people love the headstrong, badass Weasley sister who plays Quidditch and duels bravely and gets the Chosen One in the end. But my opinion varies a great deal.

You don't have to agree with me though. I just hate her clinginess and the way she had a stupid crush on Harry and how she was so dependent in half of the books.

But... When I had to write a fanfiction in which Ginny played a part, I knew I had to keep that hate aside (I have unpublished that fanfic by now so you won't find it on my profile, it was really cliche).  

But frankly speaking, I couldn't refrain from bashing her character a little. At that time I was a 12 year old with set in stone opinions and it wasn't so easy to bury all the hate. I made Ginny a Death Eater (pathetic, I know) and in the end of the fanfic, I killed her.

Just like that.

Poof. And Ginny's gone. (Well... It wasn't that illogical, I mean I unwillingly made her die a heroic death to compensate for all I had done, so yeah).



Anyhow, enough of the rant, let's come back to the topic.

Bashing is going to get you nowhere. I have had first hand experience on that. A few people might agree with you but millions would disapprove. And it is pretty clear that no one wants negative publicity, do they?

On the other hand, make your OCs hate a few people here and there. It is realistic. Normal humans don't love everyone, okay? So use that fact in this context. Your OC has to have a personality and the likes and dislikes of a character rank high on the personality determination list so make sure to include them.


Book to read if you haven't understood what I meant to say:

Look up Underrated and Underappreciated Characters by GhostLoveWriter , a book in which she has described in detail about characters who are underrated and bashed in fanfictions.


And that's all, I have run out of words. A lot could be said on and on but y'know: time is precious.

Stay tuned for the next update.

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